Meanwhile, people who don’t recognize sarcasm can only make it to middle management.
Meanwhile, people who don’t recognize sarcasm can only make it to middle management.
Irrelevant to this post.
The educational system isn’t setting the prices. The publishers are separate private enterprises which are mostly profit-driven.
In the last 20 years, “open access” journals have been created where the author (author’s grant money, mostly from the government) pays the charges instead of the readers. That has led to a whole slew of other problems including predatory and phony journals springing up.
I think that’s what they call Okazaki fragments.
Man, woman, person, camera, TV.
Nah. They can tell which fish don’t fit in from their foreign-sounding glub glubs.
This one is made with aborted fetuses, maybe. Nutters think HEK293 cells can really be considered fetus tissue.
You saw the OG?
I thought this was one of his stated aims during his first administration. Or maybe his 2020 campaign. Ohioans prefer the name McKinley, even though it’s not their mountain.
If nobody thought it was possible, why were they trying to do it? If you read the article, this wasn’t an accidental discovery while trying to do something else.
That’s an answer to the underlying questions. You think the means can justify the ends, but you aren’t sure because you don’t know the ends yet.
So do the ends justify the means?
Hard no. Musk needs to lose his power by losing his popularity. Anyone he backs, verbally or financially, needs to see it as a net negative for their prospects. He needs to be vilified and demonized for his behavior.
Should he be assassinated? No.
I mean, if you’re going to believe this article based on testimony of the victims you may as well believe the IDF.
We should have you as House Speaker!
2x 1-star, a 3-star, and a 4-star review. I believe under modern ethics that deserves a black eye and one lost tooth, but stabbings only start with a sub 2-star average.
All these bloodthirsty motherfuckers in here with absolutely no idea what Anderson Express Inc does, how large a company it is, or whether most people like the President or think he’s a twat.
It looks like a single-site machine shop.
I really think so.