Exiting from consensus reality?
Exiting from consensus reality?
Does he have a large adult failson he could parachute into the position?
The Helmsley Doctrine (“only the little people pay taxes”) is now law
Musk is neither a Tesla nor an Edison; he is a Barnum.
Hopefully this will make it less likely that Netanyahu declares Israel for the emerging US-Russian axis, a move which would be likely to end German military support for Ukraine (as alignment with Israel is Germany’s moral north star), reducing the “coalition of willing” to the UK, France, Scandinavia and a few increasingly nervous Baltic states.
“Why, not even God himself could sink this ship!”
“…caught trying to plant additional explosive devices”
Musk has put Farage on notice, and so he has to prove his worth to the CEO-king if he isn’t going to be replaced with one of the Tate brothers.
I wonder how hard it would be to make some minimal placeholder resources/assets, sufficient to build the game and for it to run, even if it won’t look good or be particularly playable.
If they don’t want a politician as head of state, they could always make their own monarchy. They already have a royal family: the Marleys.
Orban has had a decade of this. He has made his choice. Let him take his place in Putin’s Eurasian Union State.
If the Hungarian people don’t want to be the new Belarusians, they should consider doing a maidan colour revolution ASAP and send their strongman packing to Moscow.
What shape is Russia’s egg industry in?
“And so, I am putting America’s best homeopaths and aromatherapists on the case”
I hope Sweden’s preparing those Gripens, just in case.
Which, given the location and geopolitical situation, makes sense.
tfw your old subculture from decades ago becomes a lot of people’s sexual fetish
So, guaranteed roles for conservative white men then?
They’re now called “Freedom Spots”
I’m guessing they don’t actually have any offices, assets or staff in Sweden.
Signal don’t block users from countries where they are banned, and in fact have options to make bypassing firewalls easier. OTOH, it’s a lot less likely that they might be arrested and extradited to Iran or China while on holiday.
These new Enid Blyton stories are getting pretty dark.