There’s different ones depending on what kind of experience you want to play.
- The default ascension server is “Classless”. Abilities are randomized from the base game content. And maybe some new abilities have been added too. I’ve already played this one and it’s kinda fun. Highly recommend. ;-)
- There’s one called “Project Ascension Classic+” which was just announced a few days ago. It’s a fresh start with the original classes and abilities and some extra ascension content. I don’t know if this one is available yet.
- And then there’s “Project Ascension Conquest of Azeroth”. This is the one im most excited for right now. It is technically available free on beta for a limited time i believe. But if you wish to play further you’d have to donate $35 to gain alpha access.
Right now, I can’t buy into the alpha due to budget concerns. And I’ve been quite busy during the holidays. But somewhere down the line in the future I’ll definitely try playing it.
All of the servers are free to play. And any alpha access I believe is just a one time donation to gain access.
Phantasy Star Online on the GameCube. And I was actually online. Crazy huh.