As a software engineer I’m down to help out on this, free of charge.
Par for the course based on Uber’s history. I stopped using them in lieu of a local/community app…which is honestly absolute garbage, but it is essentially completely pass-through and free for my local area restaurants to use.
Fantastic read!
For me, they’re also useful because a lot of my jobs don’t allow remote software to be installed on laptops, so I use something like this to be able to remote in still.
We need more Luigi’s worldwide.
Ohhhh, wow. Ridiculous.
What’s the point of underclocking the CPU?
Costco also typically sets a ceiling of 15% on product markup, which is supposedly lower than many others in the industry.
I don’t frequent Costco, but at least as a megacorp they’re definitely at the bottom of my shitlist.
You believe correctly, straight from Twitter…
Kevin O’Leary needs to meet Luigi.
I wish I could offer them some solace, but I can’t. They are absolutely fucked. We are all fucked. This is going to take decades to recover from, and that’s assuming we even can.
Then the program requests more funding / money, which gets pocketed by the privatized people executing on the plans.
This is all just a huge grift to keep people angry and scared, make people suffer, and steal money.
I hate all of these people.
I guess this is how we make a list.
Holy crap I didn’t know this existed, thanks!
Thanks, updated.
He is literally the king of misinformation and it’s largely why Tesla did so well early on. He would get on stage and lie about their progress and vision, and then do it again next quarter/year.
I wish he’d just die already.
RIP Tesla. I will never buy one ever again and now champion against them amongst friends & family. Good riddance.
I think Elon might be the person in life I hate the absolute most.
I hope he gets aggressive cancer. Yeah. That’s how much I hate him.