Anyone still urging out there is delusional
Anyone still urging out there is delusional
Wait there’s a gun selling subreddit, but the alcohol one was banned?
misschien komt het doordat het juist 1x per jaar niet verboden is.
Dit hier, en daarom is het ook zo een groot ding geworden. De discussie rondom vuurwerk boezemt me ook angst in, aangezien het zijn emotioneel beladen ding is geworden daardoor.
Het is zo een polariserend onderwerp en daarmee een uitstekende splijtzwam voor de samenleving.
De grote fout was juist het verbod. Als je mensen zegt ‘dit is verboden’ heeft dat al direct een aantrekkende werking, als je zegt ‘dit is verboden, maar een dag per jaar niet’ krijg je wat we in Nederland hebben.
Als er nooit een verbod was geweest, was het nooit zijn groot nationaal fetisjisme geworden. Zelfs Amerikanen hebben niet zo’n vuurwerk cultuur.
Sniper: elite looks good on that list
No that was the confusing aspect. /U/rottingleaf began a counter argument that kind of skewed your point. At first I thought it was you. But it became confrontational soon.
I just wanted to put a mild argument in that if it went over budget by that far there must’ve been other reasons.
I’m not saying that. But saying that the only cause the project went over budget was over those protests is equally ridiculous, no?
I’ve got close to 5000 hrs in tf2. By far my most played game ever
Aha I thought there was a separate reason, with that specificity.
I was reacting to what /u/DaviddoesLemmy and /u/ryedaft were saying.
You need to take the two parent posts in consideration for my argument.
The only miscalculation of the cost by -four times- was due to protest of anti nuclear protestors, according to you?
Source pls?
What happened yesterday evening?
Did the anti nuclear people inflate the cost fourfold, too?
This time you don’t get the ‘we didn’t see it coming’ excuse
Yet still they will run with the aspect of him being an Arab
I’m not crying, you’re crying
Ironically, Bibi isn’t going to attend the memorial of the Holocaust in Poland, for fear of being arrested
I see! Thnx for the detailed explanation. This does how information dense silly jokes can be.
The silicosis will run rampant
It’s only one third digitized as we speak, they intent to fully digitize by 2027. The information that is actually online is very limited. The actual files you still can only access in person in the National Archives.