Inb4 China stops reporting this. Just like they did with youth unemployment
Inb4 China stops reporting this. Just like they did with youth unemployment
It’s definitely the second. There’s a reason people joke about “Tiananman Square 1989”. Everything is censored to hell and back
Is there a difference right now?
Can you really call it betrayal when he was saying this is what he wanted all along?
Wonder how the court case would go for parents that fed their autistic kid bleach and claim they were told officially by the government that it was a cure.
Nah, they’d rather the country starve and they go under than do that
“and I WILL be selling merch after the show” lol
Just throw U.S. on that list while you’re at it why not
They will do everything they can to make sure this doesn’t go to trial for that reason
Cynthia “Philip Morris” Williams
Wasn’t the ceo’s yearly salary like $10 mil or something? Lol
It’s Thanksgiving. A lot of people visiting with friends/family. Idk how to access the numbers but I’d imagine last year was about the same
They’re just helping Trump out by gathering in one convenient place so the military can come in and relocate them later :/
He just wanted to avoid jail, that’s how he benefits. He just wants to golf and not go to jail
I wouldn’t think your state pension goes away since that’s based on your employment with the state, not what state you currently reside in. Now any financial support those counties were getting from the state would go away.
Maybe if they created an environment conducive to having kids, more people would have them. Failing and underfunded public education, increasingly expensive cost of childcare, lower standard of living. I could go on about climate and geopolitical uncertainty but you get the idea.
Don’t repeatedly kill the cows in the first village so that you can sell their drops for coins. You can do it once… maybe twice…
Assuming overtime pay and other employee benefits aren’t completely gutted