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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: February 18th, 2024


  • Roughly 86% of those living in Quebec are Francophone. At a national level Quebec is a minority but still holds roughly a quarter of Canada’s population so that’s quite a large Minority group.

    What laws like this are doing in Quebec is a continuation of the French separatist movement that has latched on to anti-immigrant and anti-anglo sentiment. This law also coincides with several laws outlawing the wearing of religious garb like the Hijab or Turbans by religious minorities. (Read: non-christians.)

    Quebec and it’s current government are a driving force behind a new wave of Ethnic Nationalism. English speakers no longer have the right to send their children to English school, the English school system is being strangled and so much more.

    This is not about protecting language. It’s about erasing another.

  • how are you booting windows from systemd?

    I’m not. I ran some Systemd-analyze, blame etc once Fedora started up and saw that most of my startup lag was caused by a specific drive on boot.

    systemd is not part of the bootloader.

    Yes, and so I used the systemd tools to figure out what was causing my issues on boot.

    As I explained in a reply in this thread it seems my issue is mostly resolved for now. The bootloader was stalling on initializing a pair of drives I have in RAID for system backups on the M$ side.

    This is turn, when running -analyze or other tools showed the drive that contained my Win10 machine stalling out and waiting 45+ seconds to initialise. Because /it/ was actually waiting for the RAID drives to sort it the hell out. So, it looked like there was a conflict between both boot disks when in reality the stall was a symptom of Linux not playing nice with RAID.

    I wrongly assumed it was a boot disk conflict similar to some Windows dual boots where the two disks may be fighting with each other for boot priority and causing a fight until one timed out.

  • Nope!

    Root, Boot, /EFI, /home

    After writing this post I took the nuclear option and disconnected all drives in the PC save for the one hosting Fedora. Then I incrementally connected them all until failure.

    It wasn’t the Win10 drive but the RAID pair I have as a system backup causing the problem. I guess Fedora was trying to mount those disks causing the hold up. Then that made it look like it was the Win10 disk causing the holdup because it was waiting to initialise.

    With the RAID drives disconnected everyone is speaking the same language now.

  • Here’s the thing… People who care still use Discord. I’m one of them. I have no other option for maintaining communications with a group of 20 people I have been gaming with since 2009. We’ve all hopped from Skype to Teamspeak to Ventrillo to Discord. There’s no going back for many of these people.

    Like it or not, Discord offers a product that Signal, Briar, or any other Matrix chat offers and that’s accessibility. I would love for a mainstream E2EE chat program that actually can host a 15 person call, hold multiple chatrooms in one server, allow screen sharing, streaming and multimedia sharing.

    We can’t just live in a vacuum and claim nobody uses these programs because they’re stupid or don’t care. For many, like me, Discord a reasonable security risk people are willing to take in order to maintain communications with people they care about.

  • What’s really funny is that’s how socialised healthcare works. We all pool money together based on income and it goes into this neat little fund that ensures no person ever goes without healthcare.

    Corporations like United Health can’t profit from this so they’ve been working and lobbying lawmakers in my country and others for decades to gut the public health and education sectors to cause more deaths and get a foothold for private care.

    In my eyes this is a corporate act of war and should be condemned to the highest degree. Our forefathers died in trenches to prove our worth and ensure we could practice this social democracy. American terror organisations sow doubts in the minds of my people and poison the waters of meaningful progress.

    There is calculable effect on the people of my country in housing, health and education because of these profiteering fucks. These predatory animals could disappear tomorrow and nobody would give a flying fuck.

  • You’re so focused on one goddamn aspect of Ukrainian history you can’t look past the Red and Gold tinted glasses.

    Who created the conditions which allowed Ukrainian Nazis to come to power? Who created the conditions that lead to people taking up arms against the soviets? Who created the conditions that forced the Ukrainian people of the 1940s to idolise bad people? Who created the conditions today that have prevented spiritual healing in Ukraine necessary to look introspectively at their history and heroes?

    Why would a nation perpetually at war with an asshole neighbour be drawn to idolising isolationist and xenophobic leaders?

    Do you stop to think before your fingers type out the most braindead, fox news pundit, podcast clippable bullshit or do you just lack the ability to understand Cause and Effect?

    Do you understand why a nation at war for three centuries might idolise war criminals?

    Do you understand why freedom fighters are labeled terrorists?

    Do you understand what it means to fight for survival by any means necessary?

    I don’t think you understand how horrifying nation building is. How bloody and disgusting the history of the world can be. Every single hero you can name did horrible. Horrible things in the name of their cause.

    This is not a justification of Nazi ideals. This is a lesson on how downtrodden people will cling to any ideology possible if it means living to see tomorrow. Especially when the alternative is famine, rape and slaughter.

    Once these conditions are solved, Ukraine can start to heal.

    You fail at a fundamental level to understand any sort of subtlety beyond “But… but muh statues.” Shut the fuck up. You probably live in a nation still erecting statues of people who fought against their own government and you likely make the “states rights” argument anytime that’s brought up. Where’s your outrage for civil rights abuses in your own nation?

  • What are you trying to prove with this article?

    That several groups could no longer substantiate weapons bans to Azov because they could not find any long lasting or significant ties to hate crimes or Gross Violations of Human rights originally tabled by the Kremlin?

    This article is further evidence that Russia used Azov’s early ties to Ukrianian Nationalism in the East as as a tool to claim Ukraine is a Nazi state.

    If that alone is evidence to condemn the whole of Ukraine then this image is enough to condemn the whole of Russia.

    You keep trying to provide evidence that russia’s claims are true but your evidence simply proves my point.

  • Because there is no widespread Nazism in Ukraine. I asked you to prove it, you provided the article as proof but the article refuted your point. You then said it was apologist. So which is it? Irrefutable evidence supporting the kremlin’s position or Apologism?

    What about the US Congress lifting the ban on arming Nazis in order to arm Ukraine. Were they also engaging in Kremlin propaganda?

    Hmm let me wrack my brain here. You’ll have to point me to the specific wording. The US congress literally said “Nazis can use our weapons”? Or is Nazi a label that Russia has attributed to certain fighters and you’re now repeating?