I guess we’re reaching a stage were most people are both aware of the harm those people do and believe Ju$tice will never do anything about it, quit the opposite.
I guess we’re reaching a stage were most people are both aware of the harm those people do and believe Ju$tice will never do anything about it, quit the opposite.
Unlike the politicians and fatcats so loudly celebrated when they lived and so mourned when they died, by the Media, George Carlin was one of the truly great people of the second half of the XX century.
In my personal experience, even wholly within a professional domain when an expert is trying to give an overview to non-experts (for example to mid-level managers for the purpose of decision making) a lot of things end up having to be axioms (i.e. “trust me this is how it works/this is what’s needed/this is how its done” as fully trying to explained things to them would requires explanations of the explanations of the explanations.
This is with same-industry expert-domain-adjacent professionals, so I can see how much worse it would be when explaining stuff to average whose understanding of an industry is zero.
I recognize gallium at least as a dopant material (what transforms the pure sillicon, which is an isolator, in the the n-side or the p-side of a semiconductor junction, where gallium specifically is used in light emitting junctions such as in LEDs) and a quick search showed that antimony is also a dopant.
(For the curious, here’s the Wikipedia article)
As you might have noticed, even my short explanation of what a dopant is actually requires people to understand to an advanced level what semiconductors actually are made of, so I can see why an AP article which is targetting the average person wouldn’t go into that specific rabit hole of explaining stuff that requires more stuff to be explained which in turn requires even more stuff to be explained and so on.
Also, I would be surprised if there are more than a handful of journalists in the World with even the most basic understanding of how semi-conductors work.
One has to wonder if that’s to help keep the Canadians out or the American in…
Does knowing that the name comes from one of the join elements (left side) looking like the tail of a dove, improve that?
It’s a dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.
Yeah, the case with antennas is a good point - when I decided to concentrate various things in a Mini-PC in my living room (TV-Box, Router and so on) I actually looked into these router Mini-PCs as an option and the biggest problem was the lack of a proper antenna, so I ended up going with a generic Mini-PC and leaving out the router functionality which remains done by my old router (which is quite decent, just a bit outdated).
Mind you, this one also wouldn’t work for me because I’m using 4 Ethernet ports (1 for the external connection and 3 internally) whilst this one only has 2 (a weird choice for a router).
IMHO, this isn’t really better than just getting an SBC with 2 Ethernet ports and WiFi and put it in a box with an antenna), a setup which suffers from exactly the same problem as this one: not enough Ethernet ports.
The very example I provided comes with an mPCI-e slot to install a WiFi card of your choosing.
Also they have SIM card slots so you can install a data SIM card and set-up a fallback configuration that switches to it if your landline internet connection goes down.
Whilst that’s a nice slogan, in Electronics “open source” doesn’t mean anywhere as much as it does in Software because it’s generally just knowing which components go into the circuit, which is but a fraction of the work (laying out the board is a massive chunk of work, in some cases most of it, and at high enough clock speeds circuit design is an art in itself).
Mind you, I like the Orange Pi and Banana Pi guys, and the idea of an SBC designed for being an open source router is pretty appealing, though nowadays maybe pfSense would be a better choice than OpenWrt.
Finally this thing having only 2 ethernet ports + WiFi makes it little more than a regular $70+ SBC board + a box - something easy enough to put together by any technically inclined person - which isn’t exactly exciting.
So, how is this any better than the Router Mini PCs you can find in Aliexpress (random example)?
What’s funny is the expectation by so many here that a guy “unwaveringly supporting” people mass murdering children for their etnicity would have the Morals to not pardon his own son when he can do it at no cost to himself.
Like all other sociopaths only considerations about “consequences” drive his choices.
Having worked in similar business environments, I could feel the pain and the deep, deep (oh, so, so very deep) frustration seeping from the post.
Or maybe I was just projecting.
And let’s not forget their “Western Values”.
Of Democrat Politicians, sure.
Of Democrat Supporters, it’s almost the opposite - if I remember it correctly over 70% of Democrat Supporters were against what Israel is doing in a poll not that long ago.
One would expect that any competent national leader would’ve requested an intelligence folder about Trum,p at the lastest when he was elected POTUS, and this being Germany, they have the capability to produce one which is very complete and beyond what we common mortals can deduce about the man’s nature.
Whilst a politician in such a high position in a country isn’t necessarilly more capable of analysing things than a common mortal (though it’s logical to expect they’re significantly better at judging people than most, since that’s a requirement in their profession and to reach such a high position they must be top performers at it), they most certainly have access to much better and deeper information than any of us and to people who can do the analysing for them.
Let’s be fair: “I was wrong about the bad nature of somebody else” is pretty much the lowest, mildest, weakest possible form of self-criticism there is, to the point that it’s quite common for posh manipulator types to use “I was wrong about your ,<proceeds to criticized the other person>” format of discourse to criticize others.
Having moved fully to Linux some months ago, I look at this kind of thing both with with a feeling of smug satisfaction and with cold chills of somebody who only now starts to fully realise just how massive, heavy and fast the incoming train they just dodged is.
It’s funny how the criminal immediatelly implied that it’s a Jewish characteristic to be a criminal like him, just like he and his minions (which includes the American Administration) have been continuously implying that commiting all manner of horrid crimes, from theft and rape all the way to Genocide and purposeful child mass murder, is a Jewish chacteristic.
Like the last bunch of Nazis, these people aren’t merelly immoral, they’re so depraved, disgusting and devoid of even the most basic humanity that they’ll slander millions of those they claim to defend in order to avoid the consequences of acting like the most extreme and out of control psychopath (far beyond mere Serial Murderer and well into Hitler-level).
They discovered Porn when they got to Russia and have been chronically exhausted ever since…