Thanks. Thats real helpful.
Boosters arent free anymore, are they?
No, lots of things changed and improved, thanks to biden.
But…Biden is boring, and after 4 years of trump…Media absolutely hates a boring president, so every major win he had was barely covered, and almost never had the “panel of experts” on to discuss it in such a way average people could wrap their heads around it.
But Trump will undo all the gains Biden made unfucking the first Trump presidency.
So we’re gonna be back to square one regardless.
I hate the fact that we’re about to repeat a history that is only 8 years old.
I don’t give a fuck about the redhats dying.
Its all the innocent people they’ll kill along the way that concern me.
Remember last pandemic they literally assaulted people over masks.
You wouldnt think that people who are anti-dei would invest in companies like costco.
Costco has, notoriously, been very “woke”, since before they were even told what woke was or to hate it by fox news.
Its the problem with corporate worship. People cant admit that their team might be bad, and by extension…their worship might be wrong, so they just get angry and hostile.
Especially when you point out that a lot of what they praise about Valve, was forced reactions to actual consumer protection lawsuits, or the threat of a possibility of one.
the CEOs control the DOJ.
Only way hes getting a fair trial is if the jury is made up of people who have pointlessly lost loved ones not to disease, but to health insurance companies saying treating the disease was too costly and denying it.
Which wont happen. They won;t let anyone that has anything even remotely negative about health insurance or millionaires become a juror
This should be an automatic forced recusal.
But it wont be, because the billionaires and CEOs are scared, and don’t care about the appearance of propriety. They want Luigi sacrificed on an altar to instill fear and intimidation into those that might follow his example.
Werent the admins banning posts about jury nullification for some bullshit “glorifying violence” reason or something?
I exist to serve.
tell me about it, dude.
We’re on the precipice of total collapse. Farmlands failing, Ocean Currents are collapsing, Climate change is accelerating, Intellectuals are being demonized in favor of ignorance and fascism… The possibility of WW3 hanging over us thanks to all of the previous.
the next 20 years are going to be the cursed time that “may you live in interesting times” was talking about.
oh i’m sure the voters will do the same thing they always do.
Rabidly support it until its too late, then go full “I didnt think he was going to hurt MY social security! Its not me hes supposed to be hurting! Its the poors! and the minorities! Why is he hurting me?! I’m a loyal supporter!”
at least you have a bunch of nice coasters and cool magnets now.
Just because I dont have a personality and try desperately to fit in doesnt mean I am as stupid as the cryptobro morons.
I bet you there was still someone in their offices doing a cost benefit analysis on whether doing it and risking their CEO being ganked was worth it or not, before backpedaling
nothing besides the picture of him with blood on the side of his head with no visible injury, and another one with a bandage off a little after a week after the shooting with not a single sign of injury (ears dont heal that fast), and the fact that he absolutely refused to let anyone see his wound or the medical records.
Trump is an opportunistic aggrandizemer.
If he legitimately got even the slightest injury, he would have been ripping the bandage off 15 times a day and pointing at it and screaming about what the “evil woke liberal mob” did to him. And he didnt.
he barely acknowledge it at all after a few days. Does that sound like the Trump you know? The trump that ruminates and obsesses for years, even decades over perceived and imagined slights? That constantly comments on them, regardless of relevance to the topic at hand?
And on a practical note, this man did not create or control the fucked up insurance industry by himself. Other people will take his place and continue to do what he was doing. It’s a systemic issue.
No, but he certainly profited of it, and made it worse for people who had the misfortune of being trapped with united.
Fuck him, and fuck that hangwringing excuse bullshit. Maybe it wont be so systemic if more heads continue to be popped.
Yes, How dare I ask a question about the US, in a thread about the US.
Does my american arrogance no know bounds?!