- No Man’s Sky - 1,631 hours
- The Long Dark - 1,337 hours
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - 651 hours (I combined the original and Special Edition playtimes)
- Nova Drift - 434 hours
- Fallout 4 - 378 hours
- Starfield - 178 hours (I enjoyed it!)
George could have just gotten done slaughtering a school bus full of kids using a chainsaw in a fentanyl-induced psychosis, it’s kinda irrelevant. He was cuffed and under the control of three police officers. Chauvin remained on his neck minutes after he was already said to be without a pulse. He murdered him, intentionally, and made sure of it, and seemingly did so just to upset the horrified onlookers. If you are told that the handcuffed and prone guy you’re kneeling on is dead, and your response isn’t to render first aid, but instead to spend another few minutes crushing his neck… yeah, that’s murder however you slice it.
I love that Linux exists, but I really don’t appreciate the bullshit PR speak about how regular users can switch from Windows with little-to-no friction. The second something doesn’t work as expected, even a minor thing, they’ll be at a complete loss about how to even investigate the issue, let alone correct it. Windows competency doesn’t transfer to Linux for even the most basic under-the-hood stuff. The less honest you are about that, the fewer people will try Linux a second time, and the more people will write off the entire endeavour as being the domain of computer experts/enthusiasts.
What I like about this moment is that the people who ought to be fearful are indeed the ones who are fearful. I mean shit, Elon is posting Tweets about how great CEOs are actually, health insurance companies are removing pages from their websites that identify leadership, it’s a lovely little pocket of schadenfreude where we can all take a breath and prepare for the next 4 years.
The replies on Twitter to Musk’s legal team complaining about this decision are equal parts hilarious and day-ruining. People are really cheering for this man to get ~55 billion dollars. Like, it hurts their actual feelings that he’s been denied such a payment, and they offer words of support to Musk like he’s doing a life sentence and has been denied DNA testing that would prove his innocence by a capricious judge who built her political career on the initial murder trial.
I hope they’re just bots. Bots expertly-programmed to annoy me specifically.
I’m sure this totally unprecedented plan is nothing to worry about. It’s not as though history is replete with similar plans that went awry.
I’m sure that, once concentrated into this one location, the people being deported will be safe and sound and free of disease and well-fed. And when no country agrees to take them in, I’m sure they’ll just continue to be well-cared for in the encampment and there won’t be any problem and certainly there won’t be any spurious stories of riots or uprisings that need to be put down and which sadly result in the killing of pretty much all of the immigrants being held there. It will be fine. This is all fine and very, very normal.
It’s the path of least resistance to achieve Musklessness. The second two of the positives you listed are actually negatives to the average Joe. Choice paralysis, overwhelming number of apps and servers, these are things that put people off even trying, especially if there are easier-to-use alternatives that are familiar and instant.
Mastodon is great, but it’s not quite there yet in terms of convenience. Too much copying and pasting and clicking through to different instances in order to read old posts etc. It needs to be more cohesive in a way that doesn’t require constantly leaving your timeline or going into the settings.
It’s also the case that the Twitter diaspora who are famous tend to choose BlueSky, and that brings a lot of people along with them.
And it’s also the case that Mastodon doesn’t have much of a marketing campaign outside of word-of-mouth, whereas BlueSky does.
Preserving good old games!
Asterisk: Unless the CCP don’t like it, in which case it can go fuck itself.
I would comfortably bet my life that this man is a sexual sadist who would tear up if he were tutted at by an elderly bus driver for trying to pay a $1.30 fare with a ten dollar bill.
Where there’s smoke, there’s a flaming hot Cheeto.
He said he didn’t realise the workers don’t stuff fries into the bag with their bare hands. I wonder if he realised this after having already serving up a few orders without first washing the shit from under his fingernails, being as they are perpetually caked in day-old diarrhoea every time he scratches his Depend-swaddled groin.
AIMP [Windows/Android] has been my Winamp replacement for ~15 years. I’ve never found a player that comes close to rivalling it.
P.S. I have no idea what the licence is for AIMP, I just know it’s free and is excellent. You don’t need Winamp.
This act is so profoundly counter to increasing pro-Palestinian sentiment that I have to wonder if it was the fuckin’ Mossad that did it.
The prosecution team was 100% to blame for this little shit not getting what he deserved. I hope the litigants in the civil suit do a better job, but to be honest, they barely even need to try. Even I could put on a suit and walk in off the street and convince the jury of his liability in those killings. And that’s just using the evidence we had back in 2020. With these text messages, I could call it in over Zoom while driving around delivering pizzas for 40 minutes.
All excellent, I’m sure.