Petting the dogs is my favorite part. Especially now, with the highest settings at 4k and ~50 FPS with a 7800XT.
Petting the dogs is my favorite part. Especially now, with the highest settings at 4k and ~50 FPS with a 7800XT.
Or you just pour water on the “wrong spot” (where tesla was too cheap to protect the batteries) and it burns down itself.
Uncommon China W
“Always one more than you!!!”
I was referring to this specific post, where you did not provide reasons at first. I do understand (and know) that non-local modding is buggy, but just “No” doesn’t help much, especially for people who don’t know.
Ah, okay. I was lucky that my reddit account got banned anyway, so … there’s no temptation to go back anyway (and the UI is horrible, and the old client I used (Infinity) had a lemmy fork (Eternity) after a few days after the API stuff).
So yeah, welcome I guess :3
I wonder, aren’t you on lemmy for ~2 years already? Or do you mean the conversations in the matrix channel?
Nah, also butchered the wording. Two words more and my intention would’ve been clear, but I was too lazy.
I’m actually in favor of keeping the community, because that’s just another part of decentralization. And I’ve never even noticed the other community, and likely would’ve not bothered to search for a replacement, had it just been closed.
Du schaffst das btw :3
I meant that the person I replied to was adamant to get you to close that community. And they are very much against non-local mods, without presenting any reasons. Außerdem bin ich im Matrix channel.
Bro is very adamant to close that community lol
Simply because I haven’t bothered searching for the extensions I have in the AUR. And some extensions aren’t in there (namely 7tv, augmented steam, blacklist autoclose, defund wikipedia, kagi, peertube companion, tampermonkey and unload tabs).
How do I do it? Everything’s installed and updated via pacman/the AUR, including python packages and nextcloud apps. The only thing I don’t install via that way is Firefox addons.
Jup. There are a few normal people. The main problem is the mods and admins, who enforce the tankieness on everyone in those communities.
There are on lemmy, actually there’s a whole instance, it’s called lemmy.ml
Basically yeah, though other solutions may be easier or more integrated. Using systemd sockets is especially useful if you want to start a service on the local server that is always on, with a service that uses a lot of resources in the background without other user interaction
Also an option, systemd based, could be to use systemd socket files, which (as far as I understand) opens a dummy socket and starts the matching service as soon as it’s requested.
Jup, soldered in RAM. They’re less modular than most laptops
Isn’t the point of desktops to already be modular?
100% the dead person. I’d rather jump than stay next to the baby.
Afaik, moisture getting into batteries/accumulators is the main cause for them to bloat and to bad, which is a problem with teslas, as can be seen by problems arising from just being in rainy weather often (UK)