It’s absurd that politicians are allowed to accept campaign contributions from individuals and corporations. Campaigns should be publicly funded.
Campaigns being explicitly publicly funded would also have the benefit that if the fatcats want to contribute more*, they’d need to pay more taxes!
*while still not getting to choose who they’re actually contributing to, because eat the rich
It also stops what is going on right now thanks to Citizens United- foreign dark money coming in to influence elections.
Because Russia is very likely pumping a lot of money into U.S. elections and they’re probably not the only one. It’s legal, so why not?
Israel definitely is
US government gives multi multi billionaire most of his money, billionaire turns around and gives it to Republicans. how’s your money in politics working, is it good?
It’s trickle down economics in action.
trickle down
Yeah like piss, republican politicians are squealing little piss pigs, oink oink fuckers
Is this “Some More News?”
I’m stoked that you found it comparably funny