Look what they have to do to to mimic a fraction of our power
This is absolutely nuts—even macOS doesn’t have a single program that does all of this.
why didn’t i find a youtube video displaying this project? it’s very interesting
corporate would disagree, i already asked and they are not supporting Linux in any way.
windows users will do anything but switch to linux
Some are forced to use windows due to workplace requirements or software only running on windows. I run linux everywhere I can, but don’t always have the choice.
Nice, love to see more alternatives in this space. I’m currently using GlazeWM, which provides an i3-like experience on Windows. To the ones saying ‘just switch to Linux’, I used Linux full-time for many years but switched back to use Windows-only software, and a tiling WM and a package manager like Scoop goes a long way in making it more bearable.
Yep, someone made DE for Binbows in Typescript and Rust.
@sag Jeeeeeesus now I’m scared to click it, what if it’s really in Typescript?
it you’re messing with desktop environments and tiling window managers it sounds like you probably know enough to just use Linux instead with any of the hundreds of DEs and WMs