A gang of masked men broke into the home of a woman who took a civil case against mixed martial arts fighter Conor McGregor accusing him of raping her, it can now be revealed.

The incident was referred to at the start of the court case in Dublin but could not be reported until now as it emerged during legal discussion while the jury were not present.

The court heard that unknown masked men had broken into her home, smashed the windows and stabbed her boyfriend on 14 June.

Hand’s counsel, John Gordon, told Judge Owens that he was not suggesting the fighter was behind the attack but that it went some way to explain her anxiety and why she relocated from her home.

    • MonkeMischief@lemmy.today
      4 months ago

      I teach martial arts and often get asked (mainly by children haha) if I’ve won any fights, or been in any fights, etc. (No to either lol)

      I always emphasize that martial arts is awesome, potentially great for protecting yourself, but isn’t the same as “fighting people”, and to get “good at fighting”, real fighting, in civilized society, requires an exposure to giving and receiving violence that is really unhealthy on your soul, and you likely want no part in it.