The only flaw in Corel’s logic was that as soon as you’re running Linux, you lose all desire to run WordPerfect, and develop an irresistible need to align yourself with vim or emacs…
This was my first exposure to Linux - one of the PCs in high school had it installed. (I had read about Linux before then, but not had a chance to try it)
It had a little foam Tux in the box, and I got to keep it:
I hope you use it for
duckpenguin debugging
Logged into GUI as root 🤣 I don’t see what the big issue is…
It was a serious issue back then. People were wandering around on the Internet with root accounts. A lot of #linux IRC channels were kicking&banning anyone with “~root” or “root” ident with educational sentence like “Do not use root account as your ordinary account, check instructions”. We don’t see the issue widespread today since distros did very good intended “dark patterns” to push users to regular user accounts. Linux (or UNIX) “root” account is true god mode. E.g. infamous “rm” as root joke (!) could even affect Windows running WSL2, so MS had to implement special workarounds.
WSL has no direct connection to the host file system. WSL’s drives are virtualized. Which is a real fuckin peach when you just want to copy things to and fro and end up discovering this 😅
Dig deeper, it is even more crazy. They use Plan9’es protocol.