I would like to use Gnupg to encrypt, sign… documents.
I’ve downloaded the Manual, it’s quite extensive. So the learning curve is proportional :)
I’ve tried the GPA GUI, but with it, it seem impossible to generate an ECC key…
So what would be your recommendation to be able to generate ECC keys, be able to encrypt, sign etc… with or without GUI.
Here’s a good place to start:
gpg --gen-key
Then follow the prompts.
For what it’s worth, some say that PGP is bad and needs to go away. I found that article pretty interesting when learning
.TL;DR here.
GnuPGP is bad. It’s so bad, it’s terrible. Don’t use it, it’s the worst. You know this GNU? It’s bad, terrible.
Use this one instead, it’s coded in Rust…
Lol OK… Thanks I guess…
You do you man. I’m just trying to share some information that helped me.
Don’t take it personally.
It’s how the guy who wrote the blog sounds like, it’s not toward you.
I tend to have a grain of scepticism when someone is declaring high and loud that something widely used us /just the worst/.
Also, it just happens his alternative is just: “use this instead, its made in Rust”
If you use emacs, you can set up gnupg integration for easy encryption and decryption of files.
I would also read up on expiration of keys, and how you can export (backup) and import a key. The latter can also be useful if you want to use the same key on multiple devices.
possibly one of the most insufferable tasks on Linux, I’ve never had luck with it
You can create keys with a gui:
Not my blog, but you might find this useful.
Cheatsheet: https://devhints.io/gnupg
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve done anything with GnuPG, but I still have the presentation I did some years back on my website. It might help.