“so what are you in for?”
I killed Shinzo Abe
“The problem with sites that extract text from movies and other content is that they reduce people’s desire to pay a fair price for content, which can lead to people not seeing the official full-length movies, causing great damage to rights holders,” the anti-piracy group explains.
This argument is not very convincing, and I highly doubt there’s any evidence to support it.
It’s alleged that without obtaining permission from rightsholders, the men – who appear to work for the same company – ‘extracted’ the text and other distinuishing features from the movies, added relevant images, then displayed the resulting articles on a website.
“As a result of the police investigation, it was discovered that the company’s management and employees had conspired to systematically commit copyright infringement, and had operated the website for profit, attracting a large number of hits.”
Ooh, yeah, that’s a bit different… Not a good look
The dummies should’ve used an AI to extract the text, that way there woulda been no culprit.