Emulation is the only reason I ever was a nintendo fan at all. I despised consoles for everything they stood for. Stripped down computers with a very shitty shelf life, and now paying for your own internet twice??? I used to emulate a lot and jumped on the delusion bandwagon that nintendo is good, which led me to beg my parents to buy me a wii and later a switch on launch day. Now that their games are also kinda shit, there’s very little insensitive anyways. Fuck nintendo.
Fuck Nintendo. I refuse to buy any of their games anymore. If its something I want to play, I will pirate instead.
Is Nintendo trying to get people to not buy their games?
They want to run their fanbase away, yes
It’s working, my desire to buy nintendo games is going down with every piece of news that comes out about them
Copying Nintendo games isn’t only ethical; it’s a moral obligation.
These assholes can’t seem to grasp that emulation is the only reason their old games are still popular.
But they don’t care, do they ? It’s better for them if you stop playing the old game and buy the 1234th remake of Mario at full price on Switch
This is not even remotely new.
I don’t even understand how this would be illegal. How is copyright being violated here? You aren’t supposed to be able to file a frivolous DMCA.