I thought data caps for home internet were a thing of the past…
I’ve somewhat recently moved back to a very rural area of the Midwest. Small town. No stop lights. Biggest businesses other than the bars are Casey’s, Subway, and Dollar General.
And we have one ISP (not counting DSL) — Mediacom. When we first signed up, I had to go with the second service tier. But not because of speeds, but so I could have a reasonable 1 TB/mo data cap.
Lucky me, they increased the cap to 1.5 TB. 🙄
I hope that in my lifetime I can see ISPs regulated as a public utility.
In Switzerland you get unlimited 10 Gbit/s for 50 bucks.
I hate you, congrats!
In Canada we have to give our firstborn to a telecommunication monopoly for somewhat OK internet.
I am very thankful that I do not live in the United States. Even in Canada where telecommunications services are notoriously expensive, data caps on cellphone plans are rapidly becoming a thing of the past. Carriers like Freedom Mobile will simply throttle your speed instead of charging you a boatload of money once you pass your monthly data “limit”.
Dont worry, the market will simply regulate itself.
I think the “invisible hand of the market” swats more people than it helps.
It’s ok. Compeition will drive down prices! I have so many options with internet such as
andCompany that pretends to compete with Comcast
I was very close to closing on a house in rural midwest but I checked isp’s and every one available had caps so I just stayed away.
It’s why you just get a business line, usually just slightly more expensive, and you get 99.9% SLA uptime and unlimited cap.
You shouldn’t need a business line to get reliable, fast, unlimited internet.
Build your own ISP :)