For years, the internet has been shrinking. Not in size, not in data, but in ownership. A vast, decentralized network of personal blogs, forums, and independent communities has been corralled into a handful of paved prison yards controlled by a few massive corporations. Every post, every “friend,” every creative work—
Ho does one even use mastadon, it seems to require a login on every instance?
You navigate from your local instance. So like you just use hyperlinks (like here on lemmy, I’m clicking around, but my URL still shows
- yours probably
), or if you try to do something like follow/reply/boost/etc on another instance, it’ll prompt you to connect from your own.So like here I’m looking at a post on, which I don’t have an account on. If I just type in my home instance in the pop-up modal there, then it’ll complete the action from my home instance. If you’re already signed in on home instance with a cookie then it’ll to it automatically.