Canada unfairly, being totally taken advantage of, defends the USA from missiles and aircraft attack through Arctic, with its early warning RADAR system, possible secret missile bases, and expensive substandard F35 purchases and other aircraft donations.

When US declares a fake “national emergency” to break its trade agreements, it is an act of war. “There is nothing Canada/Mexico can do to address the fake national emergency, and the small trade imbalance is unfair, and we can use economic extortion to take Canada’s sovereignty” is a rulership intent on war.

Canada needs to remove US military alliance today. It needs to stop following US propaganda to demonize the adversaries the US tells us to believe are Canada’s adversaries. Normal humanist peaceful relations with Russia means Russia is no threat to Canada, and NORAD only serves US empire’s global extortion with “veil of immunity”. Whenever immunity from blowback is shown to be a false shield, then history starts on that day and “they only hate us for our freedom” is propagandized.

Official preparations for better trade with China and Mexico need to be started today. Leadership visits to those countries needed today. If EU wants to help instead of cowering in fear, they need to send their leaders to visit Canada.

Both Canada and EU need to take stance that US must pay significantly more for NATO’s assistance in projecting US empire, instead of tolerating the BS that they are the ones that must pay 150% more for privilege of US diminishing them all, as the US has done with Ukraine war.

  • humanspiral@lemmy.caOP
    1 month ago

    Whether it be strategic location (with a warming world, more shipping routes as well) or simply more resources…

    Everything about shipping routes through Canada or Greenland by Russia/Asia is a lie. The only use of them would be to trade with Americas. Trade with Europe can use Russian waters exclusively. Resources would be for Americas markets too. It would be impossible for Russia to defend well if current beligerism from North America exists.

    It is only under long term peace with Russia/China that we can invite them to spend $$$$ on developing the arctic or trading with us. Still US/Canada developers would have huge market/logistics advantages that could outbid a Chinese/Russian project proposal.

    Now growing Canada by absorbing part of the US… that might be a good move. We’re getting increasingly fed up with the situation and a dissolution of the union looks possible in a way it never did before.

    Yes, housing construction was not sufficiently supported with immigration. Non-issue with States becoming provinces.