Title. A particular game Ive been looking for for ages is dead in torrents/dl. Now its sequel is also out.
I found old reddit forums where you could request such games, but theyve been dead for 2+ years.
Any help in this regard would be greatly appreciated.
If you have Usenet, you can find it there. You can also find it on psxhax, this is way better than torrents for ps4 games. Normally for ps4 games you look for direct downloads or Usenet, torrent is generally not reliable for ps4 games because there is not that much demand, thus no seeders.
… Thank you!!!
You’re welcome. Since you download ps4 games I suggest using yandex. If you want a ps4 game search on yandex: ps4 game download and you will get many results. It is very rare that I find ps4 game torrents with seeders, I either use usenet or look it up on yandex and Google. The website I gave you also has a lot of games.