I mean in the future it’s a possibility I’ll be fucking Zendaya but that doesn’t mean it’s reality now does it?
See picture.
I mean in the future it’s a possibility I’ll be fucking Zendaya but that doesn’t mean it’s reality now does it?
Yup and tips were only for a short list of things like waiters or cabbies.
Rob bless him. In hindsight he was the good one
As an Ontarian I feel we are actually more than a few years from America in terms of this bullshit.
You can go back to when Rob Ford won the mayorship of Toronto talking about “stopping the gravy train”. He found no gravy.
Fast forward to Doug Ford becoming premier to “stop the gravy train” of which he found no gravy. In fact he unlawfully terminated numerous contracts costing Ontarians even more money.
Short story, people who try to reduce complex economic issues into simple solutions are snake oil salesmen not to be trusted.
Unfortunately in today’s media landscape it works.
History doesn’t repeat. It rhymes.
Buckle in kiddo it’s gonna be a fun couple of decades if we survive it.
What’s funny (or sad) is that 100 years from now this will be looked at the same was as when Ford or IBM supported the Nazis. Their business won’t hurt long term and Tim Apple will be long dead.
Shower thought. Economists by nature are professional dick riders to anyone with hoards of cash be they individuals or governments.
Laughing at “old ways”. The old ways are what they’re going back to. What didn’t work is the new ways of mono-crop nonsense that wasn’t done for millenia before recent memory.
Mega farms need to die.
True. Worth noting as bad as police are most countries outside of America actually have civilian oversight of the police. You can argue the effectiveness of it but it’s lightyears ahead of the lack of training and corruption that America faces.
It would ultimately depend on the context but sure. “Innocent” Germans were put on trial post WW2 for enabling the system that resulted in the murder of millions of people, how is this any different?
And again, like a child, we lack the maturity as a species to understand that.
I am NOT a religious man but I’m a strong believer that we are so eager to play God we are forgetting to ask the important questions around if we should.
Personally speaking I think we need to pause on things like this, or AI as another example. We have proven repeatedly we lack the maturity as a species for what we are learning.
That said, you can’t put everything back in Pandora’s box so for everyone reading this sharing my concern, YOLO and cover your head and wait for the worst.
Edit - the biggest threat to humanity is our unyielding curiosity.
IANAL but I do believe in some places not only is an apology and admission of guilt but it can also be used against you
Ok fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
You want to sweep shit under the rug for the sake of your own convenience. Regression and repression is the conservative way.
God forbid we empower our children.
Same but I blame work. My surface tablet at home is vanilla windows professional and memory usage is fine with 16gb.
That said I don’t use Chrome at home and Chrome is absolutely insane with memory consumption
Ain’t no death squads showing up in Canada anytime soon and if they do in my neighborhood I would personally fuck them up.
corruption. nothing to see here. FML the fox has been in the henhouse for decades now and we’re supposed to be surprised?
Deep breaths and take things a day at a time. People have been through far worse even today. I was joking with my GF last night who is South African. This ain’t nothing compared to what she has been through as a Zulu woman.
I know it’s not the best answer for you, but it is what it is. You either endure or you don’t. Me? I choose to endure.
Oh I’m not worried about me or mine. I’m confident I can keep 1 step ahead of this madness.
kakistocracy - see South Africa. Lol