There used to be ante in MTG. You’d play for cards in each other’s decks and were to keep them if you won the game. Plus, there were a number of cards actively interacted with the ante’d cards and added or changed what’s in the ante
So it begins. admin
There used to be ante in MTG. You’d play for cards in each other’s decks and were to keep them if you won the game. Plus, there were a number of cards actively interacted with the ante’d cards and added or changed what’s in the ante
HOTS 2.0 did so much good, man. It’s a shame the game’s basically dead. Was a lot of fun to play with my brother
I realised that what brought me back to League was Wild Rift. Maybe of HOTS had a “mobile” adaptation, I’d come back. Just not much (if at all) a PC gamer nowadays
Aight folks, can we move on to 2025? I didn’t know we’re back to the 2000s
It’s not like anyone’s playing the game anyway, right?
A dodge roll doesn’t make it have soulslike gameplay in my books, but I’ve barely seen any gameplay, so what do I know.
D3 had a dodge roll added years after release but was kind of wonky and didn’t give i-frames; D4 also has a dodge roll but it’s actually functional. Is it good in PoE2?
Soulslike gameplay? Have they changed the game so much from 1 to 2? It’s more akin to a hack & slay like Diablo, isn’t it?
Everyone not vegan should watch
Oh, yea, I know what you mean. Personally haven’t delved too deep into FF myself apart from Dissidia and Crisis Core, but I’ve seen enough videos to know that people have criticised the writing before.
What’s your stance on the whole 7 Remake arc?
Most European countries should outright ban that shit. Only harm comes from this. Blizzard can be rightfully criticised for many their practices over the past decades but at least they got rid of loot boxes in OW.
Bike :)
I feel like there’s a disconnect between what Square thinks their audience wants and what the audience actually wants. What do you think the split would look like if measured statistically?
I’m so looking forward to this. The game surpassed Bloodborne for me which says a lot about me considering Bloodborne was my first soulslike and the one I’ve spent the most researching, watching videos about, playing. Very excited
You can do both. The fact that they’re so invested and passionate about the game gives them all the more reason to complain. You don’t have to like something unconditionally and be exempt from complaining about practises that make your experience worse. Plus venting is a thing too?
I get where you’re going, tho
Damn I remember playing it all the way through and unlocking that special character. I think they were white and had an arched back or something? Shooting spikes or pellets or something
Is PoE2 intended to be free to play like its predecessor?
I totally get what you mean. I’ve been feeling the same towards new game releases. Moving to Lemmy has also helped with that because I’m mostly distanced from the discourse around new games and don’t get hyped as easily. Latest full-price release I got was Darkest Dungeon 2 and only because it’s physical and it was on sale for like 8€ off.
About MH, I’ll be honest and say that I haven’t been feeling their direction since World’s release. Sure, they’ve brought a lot of good on the table in terms of QoL, new moves, and its impact on the West cannot be denied a second. I’ve also played World quite a bit, around 120h maybe. But I feel like the fanbase has been split in half ever since World’s release and Capcom couldn’t mend it back together. It’s just too polished and lacks MH’s original charme that made it so enticing in the first place, I feel like (OG, playing since Freedom 2 on the PSP).
Iceborne was more of the same, but I get that many people enjoy it a lot and claim it’s the best MH has ever been. Rise was a good compromise between the new design philosophy and old values, but even Rise I haven’t been feeling too much, personally. Wilds just seems like World 2.0 but make it even bigger. Just isn’t for me. I’ve accepted it begrudgingly and am fine just playing other games.
Wild Rift is my poor man’s League (although the skins are way more expensive than on PC). Don’t have a PC to play League on and WR is a good, chill alternative. Plus, I can play with my SO
Honestly guys, as much as I love MH to get the recognition in the West it’s always deserved, I feel MH fatigue. So many games coming out recently - some better, some worse. Just let the games simmer for a while before pushing out the next. Sure, a good mobile MH isn’t competing with any other MH per se (except Now) but still.
I’m just sad that OG MH probably won’t ever be returning. I miss the oldschool-style games.
Shoutout to Slay the Spire, Balatro, and Slice & Dice. They all cost a bit (around 10€) but are excellent ports of the originals and among the best mobile games. Slice & Dice even started out as a mobile game and was ported to PC later.