i think you’re vastly overestimating the general public’s awareness of such things and whether they even think critically about the things they are aware of
i think you’re vastly overestimating the general public’s awareness of such things and whether they even think critically about the things they are aware of
you should read michael chrichton’s book sphere. it talks about some of the tom & jerry tier physics and biology disasters that can happen in a deep sea habitat
the whole point of the game was to illustrate how dumb libertarians are
prices always go up over time in a healthy economy
LOL that sounds like a massively over simplified statement. would you care to elaborate?
prices go up, period–that’s true, but calling an economy “healthy” because of that is like saying “healthy people eat food”
i think the average american has very little understanding of what money actually is and why inflation is even a thing, rather, they just take it as a fact of life. like school shootings. like “yea, it’s not fun, but there’s nothing we can do” LOL
once again the party of “gun control laws only hurt law abiding citizens” pushing bullshit laws that will a) do absolutely fucking nothing to stop kids from getting porn; and b) only put law abiding citizens at risk, AND even if you don’t consume porn whatsoever, do you really think your 13 yr old son isn’t crafty enough to scan and upload your ID to every shady 3rd party “age verification” site in existence?
the actual objective is of course to make all porn (defined as whatever the fuck they decide to call “porn,” as they already do with books that include gay characters) completely illegal, which is just a step in the direction of ending freedom of speech
once they’re done with porn, it’ll next be a crime to say anything critical of the GOP, the country, or trumpistan regime
LOL “Gen Z and millennials are welcoming mysterious drones and a potential alien invasion so they can avoid the office”
real strong “why are millenials killing ________” vibes, but seriously, any outlet with words like “fortune,” “economy,” “financial,” etc in its name are specifically targeting a boomer audience who get off on shifting blame for the shitty world they created on to the generations having to grow up in it
tbf it’s not hard to convince hayseed chucklefuck trumplings that regulations which exist to protect them are a bad thing because they cost money. we had condo buildings collapsing and people dying WITH regulations.
when bridges start collapsing left and right, they’ll blame drag queens and the maga trumpistan patriots will lap it up like hogs at the trough
while former houses of worship are being converted into bars, clubs
i want to see the pastors faces when their church gets turned into a full nude titty bar
Tong and groups like the ACLU see Trump’s plan as unconstitutional
unfortunately it’s been demonstrated time and again that the corrupt bought and paid for supreme court doesn’t give a rat’s ass what anyone else thinks about “constitutional” or not
and like with everything else, he has to steal his insults, yet can’t even get that right
the party of “why can’t you hire people based on skill rather than because they’re black” doesn’t want anyone to hire people based on their skills
it doesn’t take a quantum computer to come to the logical conclusion that the human species is the worst thing that ever happened, or will ever happen, to this planet. maybe the universe
you can’t hold them responsible, because they’re in no way fully aware of what a nightmare Trump is going to be
if people choose to ignore what’s right in front of their face, that’s a choice they made, and are 100% responsible for. i hold them entirely responsible for being so willfully ignorant and motivated by pure hate. i wouldn’t give a shit if their kindergarten-tier irresponsibility didn’t affect everyone and not just them
calling it now: RFK be gone in less than 6 months
doesn’t say much, considering most of the “best people” trump picks don’t last that long
great game
it’s like every southern state is in a furious competition to be the worst place on the planet
or doing absolutely nothing to stop or question him.
this is what i just can’t wrap my head around… they’ve had four years to do something about this fucking thing, instead of the absolutely fucking nothing they’ve been doing the whole time
it’s not about winning lawsuits, it’s about proliferating the notion that any news that doesn’t come directly from his own face anus is sus and “fake news.” he’s been doing it since long before the first election, and he’s not going to stop, ever. in fact, he’s going to ramp it up to where there are actual legal/financial consequences for printing anything that doesn’t shower him with fawning obsequious praise.
many journalists see the writing on the wall. they obey in advance to save their own ass
completely by design, and in the works for decades
an informed, curious, and skeptical population does nothing to help the 1%, and everything to threaten them