It is a good question who are “authorities” on the occupied territories. It looks like for Meta authorities are the occupation force. How people should free themselves from the occupation forces?
I am a software engineer living and working in Belgrade, Serbia. My hobbies contain a lot of things including cycling, bikepacking, photography and quantum computations.
All the photos in my posts are made by myself (if not specified other) and are shared under CC-BY 4.0.
It is a good question who are “authorities” on the occupied territories. It looks like for Meta authorities are the occupation force. How people should free themselves from the occupation forces?
For me gnome apps are not “lightweight” and work fine only all together (Evolution + gnome-contacts + other gnome tools)
The benefit is digital privacy. It is especially important at the modern time when every financial org is greedy collecting data about it’s customers and trying to monetize it. A good alternative for cash (cash is private too because allows to hide the destination of my spendings). Why digital privacy is not a valid use?
I’m missing a lightweight (not like Thunderbird) contacts app, that can work with CardDAV and allow me to see, search and edit my contacts.
And that is very strange for me. Under the news about AI-search from OpenAI I asked about comparison with AI-search from Kagi, but got a lot of downvotes and a link to the post where the author express his negative opinion about AI.
My question was about benefits of openai search compared to kagi search. How is this link related to my question?
What are benefits of using openai search when we already have Kagi that is much more privacy a friendly, is ads free and provides the same functionality?
What do you think, how long should we wait until the overflow in the debts database makes the value negative?
I think it can be done like a NFTs on top of Bitcoin. In this case evey archived page is NFT and all the blockchain is available, so there is no centralized cite. If each action will require some computations (PoW) then ddos attack or spam attack will be very hard to implement.
I think that proof-of-work approach to blockchain can make ddos attacks much harder, but I’m not an expert too :)
Sounds like a potential application for a blockchain techs, that allows to do verifications, voting and consensus.
For me the problem is more in GPL violation: they distribute blobs under GPL3, user made a request of the source code by creating an issue, but they ignored that request. It is not only about “you have to fix it” versus “just fork it” imo.
For me one of the most flexible and mature way to knowledge base, tasks and notes is an org-mode.
I have two main workflows. The first one is task management. I have a lot of recurring tasks with tags, deadlines, schedules, etc. All of them are living in org-files in my Nextcloud. On Android I’m using orgzly-reviwed for sync via WebDAV, on my work I’m using organice (via WebDAV) as a “web-version” and also I’m editing my notes in emacs on my laptop (but actually any text editor could be used).
The second one is a knowledge base. I’m using org-roam locally (and with a localhost web server, built in into emacs) and orgnote for Android/Web + synchronization. My knowledge base is Zettelkasten-based.
Orgnote provide a way to encrypt all notes by your own key/password. With orgzly I’m relying on Nextcloud encryption.
To be honest I do not see any reason to use Lineage with Pixel while there is GrapheneOS… But maybe there will be some users of it: it is always better to have more free open OS