Holy shit they made SCP-2875 a real thing
Holy shit they made SCP-2875 a real thing
I cared before too. There is a difference between passively engaging in BDS and pouring your heart and soul into a movement.
Edit: I felt the need to elaborate.
For a very long time I followed the boycott and donated what I could. Genocide is atrocious, but what else could I do? I lived in the middle of bumfuck nowhere; There weren’t exactly any movements nearby I could get involved in.
I then saw a man from bumfuck nowhere drive all the way to the Israeli Embassy and burn himself alive. I realised there was a whole lot of things I could do.
I also moved to Ireland, so I got a lot more opportunities to act on my sentiments.
I remember. That shit shook me for weeks. Sometimes I still think of his burning body.
Burning yourself won’t stop Israel, sure. But it gets people involved. It got me involved.
Good on the media for using the active voice for once
Protectionism only really makes sense if you’re a country without native industrial capacities and trying to industrialise. Even that is debatable.
Russia used to be a major world power with highly developed heavy industry and okay-ish light industry. A lot of that has been poorly maintained since the fall of the USSR but the factories are still there. Protectionism makes little sense here.
Ireland too :(
Article says the rebels going in are Islamists. Sadly, I don’t think life will get much better in Syria and will definitely worsen in Kurdistan.
Damn, TIL. Thank you.
And for the first time in my life, thank you Erdogan.
NATO has not changed its position, that’s the thing.
There is a very good reason the Irish care about Neutrality. The Montrealites are not so different.
Edit: Thank you Chairman Meow for telling me about this: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/turkey-blocks-nato-israel-cooperation-over-gaza-war-sources-say-2024-08-01/
A compound in Texas run by an ultraconservative who loves guns is an American tradition
Twitter is not a free platform. It actively suppresses the voices of the left and protects the far right.
I do sincerely support free speech. I think it looks a lot more like the Fediverse than Twitter.
We do this in Ireland
The Americans should probably nationalise SpaceX, or at least buy out a controlling percentage of the shares.
I interact with enough tankies to tell you in advance.
In the view of tankies, Russia isn’t imperialist due to some weaseling with how they define imperialism in economic terms.
The US, on the other hand, is as imperialist in tankies’ minds as it is in reality.
Thus, to to them, Russia is waging an anti-imperialist war with the long-term goal of establishing a “multi-polar” world.
Thus, the tankie conclusion is that NK is heroically sending in the soldiers to help fight imperialism.
I see no need to try and explain why this is wrong. That’s left as an exercise for the reader.
To be fair, the name Antifa is used pretty much exclusively by radical anti-authoritarian left groups.
The libs don’t organise into black blocs to beat up fascists, they write to their congressman to ask for stricter hate speech laws.
The tankies, despite creating the first group to call itself AFA, don’t participate in them much in the modern day because they try to subordinate such things to their party, which goes against the decentralized ethos of what most people call Antifa.
This leaves anarchists, libcoms, and a small smattering of demsocs and Trots. Thus it is completely fair to refer to “Antifa” as a left-wing phenomenon.
Polytheists are theists too
A friend and I were recently discussing how spineless modern boycotts are.
We set a goddamn deadline for when the Reddit boycott ended. No wonder Spez just waited. Most people then just continued using the website. What a disgrace.
Imagine if after one week of the genocide in Gaza, the BDS efforts just stopped. A boycott must be indefinite. It should go on until demands are met.
After the debate and especially after the botched assassination attempt, I felt despair and a hopeless sense of certainty that our comrades in the USA would have to endure a Trump presidency and all of us around the world would suffer the consequences.
I’m genuinely optimistic now. I think Harris can win.
People who complain about her not being a socialist or how electoralism won’t change the system are missing the point. Those are true things, but the alternative is a fascistic climate change denier with the Sons of Jacob as his cabinet.
The Americans are standing at a crossroads between an increasingly fragile status quo and tyranny. As much as I hate the status quo, I’m glad that the odds are now smiling far less at tyranny.
EDIT after the election: Lol
Rot in piss