That’s not a boycott. That’s waiting until payday to shop.
There needs to be a succinct way to say “Never shop Amazon again if possible. If you absolutely have no other option, don’t do it March 7-14.”
That’s not a boycott. That’s waiting until payday to shop.
There needs to be a succinct way to say “Never shop Amazon again if possible. If you absolutely have no other option, don’t do it March 7-14.”
Yes, the EU will certainly kowtow to him and bend the knee. 🙄
It ain’t gonna cost me shit because I’m spending next to nothing for the foreseeable future apart from necessities, and what little I do spend is gonna be bought as locally as possible. Fuck this country.
This was such a compensating thing. Tried to back out of the deal, wasn’t allowed to, then made this dumbass dad joke. “I meant to do that” vibes, fucking pathetic.
Drumpf is obsessed with rally size, skuM is obsessed with twitter engagement. Rotten tomatoh, decomposing tomahto.
Buy next to nothing. Fuck this god damned country. No holiday gift giving…just cook a meal and invite people over for music and conversation. Maybe play cards together.
Edit: Just realized I was in a Canada sublemmy. My humblest apologies. You fine people do as you wish, but us curs in your filthy subbasement need to resist the shit out of this festering jejunal carbuncle’s self-imposed monarchy.
To combat Chinese gold farmers, Blizzard started selling gold in a bit of a roundabout way. For $20, you can buy a WoW token to sell on the auction house. This token can be purchased by a player and traded for 1 month of game time. Some players dont pay a dime to play - gold is not hard to acquire.
Eve Online has been doing that since 2008.
I think that’s what the college kids were playing with when I was in high school.
Started college in 1995, and I indeed did have ICQ before too long. Still remember my number (6725571).
You probably had all three installed on your computer and probably all running at once.
I remember using a program called Trillian (which is still around!) in the late 90s/early 00s. It allowed you to connect multiple IM accounts in one app. It was sorta finicky, but it got the job done.
"I’m not implying that taco eaters are responsible for the pandemic, mind you…
But there was always a line around the block at Taco Bell in the early days of the pandemic."
The moment you say “I’m not equating benign X with problematic Y”, you immediately put the idea in people’s head that X and Y have a strong correlation which serves to further skepticism and judgment of benign X.
You don’t have to go cold turkey. Just shop at websites that don’t say “Amazon” in the URL