And it still freaked me out. Worth it in the end, but yikes.
Beware of words unspoken, and actions left undone you’ll keep. Your own path you must seek, for the river time is unbroken.
And it still freaked me out. Worth it in the end, but yikes.
I played the entire game on safe mode and I still freaked out the whole time. It was worth it to get to the end, but I pushed myself through the horror.
And they wonder why their executives are being targeted.
Gender affirming care include puberty blockers.
Still gonna email my displeasure to my senators.
FIFY: Over 4,000 overseas voters ballots baselessly challenged in Pennsylvania
How did sweet potatoes hurt you?
Imagine needing shelter to be a legally recognized resident.
Or just fix the problem at its source, and disallow judges from holding a political party.
Because republicans make them more money.
Pushing daises would be so much more useful.
I ran the numbers and it’s actually $31.46 billion. But you’re not far off.
Doesn’t look like a great place to work.