Wow they both made violations, so they must be the same right?
Oh hezbollah just approached a border zone while Israel shot up a bunch of civilians. Oh yeah, both sides.
Wow they both made violations, so they must be the same right?
Oh hezbollah just approached a border zone while Israel shot up a bunch of civilians. Oh yeah, both sides.
Do they have rights to use Jones’ likeness, in the sense of reposting old clips and the like?
Maybe I should bet on Trump for this reason
Unrelated but I got banned from the atheist memes community for calling one of the mods memes a boomer Facebook meme.
Oh boy, yet another shill that thinks Israel and Palestine lived together in harmony until October 7th.
Also answer the question about the French resistance you coward.
Yes that’s right, they shoukd all go out into an open field and stand out in the open together so Israel can kill them all with a single airstrike and not hit any civilians. So their corpses can be considered honorable by random chuds on the internet.
Oh and just a question, do you think the French resistance fighters during WW2 were also terrible people for “hiding” behind civilians?
Everyone except the filthy Zionists knew that Pro-Palestinian rhetoric is covered by the freedom of speech.
Pro palestine and anti-zionism are different concepts
This is the UK where we don’t have a fetishised version of free speech
Most moral army on earth. No one has ever done so much to prevent civilian casualties.
Even if we did, it wouldnt matter.
I would suggest putting the phone down for a little while and going out in to the real world for a bit to re-adjust.
and sidenote, if someone said the same about muslims, pointing out how many muslims murder LGBT people and how if you let a muslim into your home you would be putting family in danger would you accept that?
So what would Maya Angelou think of Daryl Davis, the man who famously reprogrammed dozens of actual KKK members by going out of his way to befreind them?
If he had listened to that advice there would only be more hatred and racism in the world.
I hope whatever causes your hostile attitude eventually goes away and allows your kindness to return.
An us vs them mentality is still bad even when you do it. There are so many examples of people changing opinions of hateful people by showing them some kindness. Yes it would be very easy to pain every MAGA as a terrible person down to their core, call them the enemy and forsake them, but things will only get worse with that attitude.
But if instead you show these people kindness, especially if they are vulnerable, some of them will change, and even if its only 1 in 10, you’re still making the word better by helping people come out of their hateful mentality.
Yes and those people have my unconditional sympathy. It’s not like I’m doing anything to make their lives worse or withholding aid. I’m just taking a moment to enjoy bad things happening to bad people for once and in a fisrly ironic way. It’s a minor indulgence that doesn’t hurt anyone.
That’s valid, and these people are not entitled to your kindness or emotional energy.
But a lot of this hatred comes from people living in their own little bubbles with the only information they get coming from hearsay or propaganda. That’s why areas with few immigrants or queer people are the most racist or homophobic. And you can really change people’s minds about things by engaging with them, being friendly with them and just giving them living proof that their propaganda is bullshit. See Darling Davis making freinds with KKK members as a great example of this.
Yes, I would rather think you’re a troll than beleive someone is actually seriously that cruel and dumb. It’s better for my mental health.
Empathy is for individuals. If someone came to me, maga hat, and truck covered in trump Humber stickers, and said him and his daughter had been displaced by the hurricane and needed help, I would give them a room, food and whatever else I could to help and ask for nothing in return. He has not hurt me (directly) and I have no bad blood with him personally so long as he’s not being outright racist or anything around me.
But when we’re talking about MAGA as a general group, they have hurt me, they are racist and homophobic and trnasphobic and misogynistic and I will happily revel in the Schadenfreude.
Guys we have soooo much shovelware, asset flips and softcore porn that’s barely a game. This is very much a good thing!!!