Get her more attractive food. I’ll see myself out.
Get her more attractive food. I’ll see myself out.
They should be sound proof or at least monitored by a snore attendant. Or just have a snoring/no snoring section. Maybe I should get into pod management.
Depends on the data. Your family photos and home videos from the 90s you digitized doesn’t matter where it is. If it is financial data or a stock market exchange then speed and thus nearness play a big factor.
Yup. And the US post office does a ton of the work for Jeff. Something like 2/3 of our “welfare” dollars just go to corporate welfare. What confuses me is why republican voters support this. Because I know they aren’t all multi millionaires or billionaires.
We broke our economic system a while ago. Citizen United really help drive that home. The part I find so funny is the people I know complaining about taxes and never getting anything from the government.
Yet the very same individuals don’t make a peep about the ridiculous amounts of money our society funnels to the wealthiest. Some kid getting a school meal for free? No no we can’t have that. Billionaires able to buy social media companies and make them shittier? Why just go right ahead. Multiple private space companies? Perfectly fine. How about maybe some college for the people? No dice nerds that’d cost too much money!
By economy they just mean the price of things that they regularly buy or the cost of a meal at the Red Lobster. They don’t want their taxes to increase and by taxes they just mean income tax.
The best way I can put it is that these aren’t serious people. They have very little understanding of how the systems that keep them alive actually work. Look at taxes and the messaging from conservative’s “they are stealing your money.” That’s super easy for someone to understand. Much harder to understand that taxes pay for public services, roads, and clean water.
I’ve got in-laws that stuck their aging parents in public subsidized retirement housing. These guys also vote republican. Lucky for them they live in a blue state with decent retirement care otherwise there is no way they could afford that level of care. We are talking thousands a week for over a decade. Do they have any understanding of how that works? No, not at all they just want to complain about taxes being high.
It is kinda sad watching us blunder through this nonsense again and again. Do these conservative voters think it was the capitalist and business owners that wanted kids out of their factories? Do they think the tycoons were the one that pushed for a 40 hour work week and it was the workers who went on strike to keep their longer hours?
We just those useless folks Congress. But, seriously we can’t let a few lazies clogging up the works be the reason to allow Republicans to continue destroying our institutions.
Of course he’s going to go ham this season. Why wouldn’t he? He was never held to account for any of the corruption and crime during his first term. The new Trump admin won’t be like the last one where some people were able to obstruct the most ridiculous requests. I predict we will nuke at least one hurricane in the coming 4 years.
We didn’t get it that bad. We had the golden age of the internet and were the first with actual broadband. We have tons to look forward to like robot butlers and self driving cars. Also flexible screens that are hard to break.
More automation can be real good if we say use it to make a 4 hour work day while keeping the full time pay. Prices for weed are going down.
We may be going through a rising wave of right-wingism currently, but last time Trump and his goons were in charge they got replaced. A couple of ways to deal with this is to not be a minority or poor. If people can figure out those two things they can survive another four years of Trump’s America. The better way to deal with this is organize locally, because the Federal courts are fucked, the Senate is fucked, and the President is Trump so we aren’t gonna get much done nationally.
Dang I just bought some onions.
There’s a permanent record for everybody that went to school in America. I remember it was drilled into us at a young age, that this or that could end up on our permanent record.
And if there isn’t one for cops and other positions of authority there should be one. Make it a phone app.
Also this should go on their permanent record. So they are never allowed to be in any position of authority anywhere again.
I’ve been calling it the Roman numeral for ten site formerly known as twitter. Are people just abbreviating this to ‘X’ now?
The Dems put up a good fight. Biden needed to leave earlier. Harris could’ve had an actual answer to what she would’ve done differently. The reality is they were fighting a huge uphill battle. We’ve got an extremely ignorant and uninformed citizenry with little understanding of the functioning of government. I’m talking about Americans a proud and reactionary group of people. There was zero chance after picking Kamala that the Democratic party was going to pivot from their neo-liberal views and what movement they did was towards the center.
Now that they’ve lost so decisively maybe we’ll see a window to move the party in a progressive direction. Personally I think the Dems need to get back to supporting labor unions. If we are going to “reindustrialize” this country because we are doing war with China then we should want strong labor organization. Get some progressives to run on policies that put people first instead of property and capital.
That would probably require getting money out of politics. In the meantime focus on continuing to improve the quality of life in blue states and blue cities. As far as the voters they didn’t fail the party they failed the country. We are going to see a bunch of our fellow citizens lose more of their rights.
If it were me I’d barricade the office and declare myself a constitutional special counsel. But what do I know I just love my country.
You are just describing the Federalist Society.
Tolerated… We got a major party ready to dismantle what little democracy we got. The GOP collectively lost their shit cause their orange gibbon lost 2020 and could handle it. So in 2024 they’ve doubled down on the geriatric man child.
If we get this wrong we should apologize to the King of England and rejoin the commonwealth.
Why complicate the onion by adding more layers? Why do we want a sovereign fund? Your solution just seems like another way to funnel more money to US corporations. We already let them switch to defined contribution 401k retirement funds. More money to companies public or private is just more money empowering little corporate fiefdoms.
We should simply tax these corporations and their owner class at a much higher rate. Take that money and fund social programs. For example, it is completely idiotic to have healthcare tied to employment and subsidizing it through the gov’t.
If we removed corporate welfare from our system it would be really bad until something else took its place. We subsidize our entire food production system, removing that would drive up the cost of food. The Jones Act subsidizes our shipping industry. The price of drugs would also probably sky rocket the second you remove the public funding that goes into the early stage research.
And what happens to our military industrial complex when you remove corporate welfare?
The problem is we have Bezos playing rocket man and newspaper baron to the tune of three billion dollars a year. We have Musk fucking with our elections to the tune of some hundred million dollars a month. They have this money because we don’t tax them. Tax that money away and they won’t be fucking with shit.
Well, we got a group of Trumpers that are so hell bent on making sure other people’s lives are worse. So they are taking us all down with them. These guys have managed to put a professional anti-vaxxer in our federal healthcare system. Then they wonder why their healthcare is shit, costs much money, and don’t work good.