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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 10th, 2023

  • I think user rumba meant in regards to the OP post…

    “it’s been made abundantly clear that a lot of americans have no fucking idea what anyone is talking about”

    …that anybody who thought otherwise about the american public has never really talked to its representants.

    Whereas I think you understood rumbas’ comment as like he wrote about the people who knew better about the threat of the coming administration failed to communicate it to the average ignorant us citizen. With you replying that those trying to enlighten didn’t have a chance to succeed with that anyway.

    Now shake hands and unblock. You’re on the same side.

  • The AfD in Germany, currently propped up by Musk in the form of Alice Weidel, whose modus operandi is demagoguery wants the Brexit analogue Dexit. She was granted a 15 minute interview by bloomberg a few days ago. Basically every statement was a blantant lie. She proposed free trade regulatories for Germany without being in the EU. Every statement of hers was a lie. And she was frenetically endorsed by EU/German politics oblivious US MAGA heads and Nazis in the comments. All of her proposals would bring Germany and with it possibly huge parts of Europe to its knees and open the door widely for russian interference. I wrote a 6000 character fact-check under the video and garnered 3300 likes for it in one day. Yesterday it was deleted. It was a good run but I think Europe is damned. I partially blame covid brain rot for it.

  • That’s how it started with the NSDAP and academics joining them.

    Germany already had some kind of Wanseekonference 2.0 in November 2023 organized by (history really repeats itself) intelligent, industrious people with academic degrees (like Hans-Christian Limmer or Gernot Mörig) and an Austrian Hitler 2.0 aka Martin Sellner. The decission makers in the AfD are academics. AfD politician Gauland who described the Holocaust as of bird shit proportions in comparison to the successful 1000 year history of the German reign has a doctoral degree.

    Josef Mengele earned a summa cum laude for race-morphological researches about human jaws (which is seen as pseudo science today) and had two doctoral degrees.

    He put a whole block comprised of 600 women in the midst of a Typhus outbreak into the gas chamber. He did that many times more with other diseases like mingles (mostly children) or e.g. with the murder of 4000 people in Theresienstadt because of again typhus. He was nominated for the Cross of Honour for that. He was convinced that jews needed to be exterminated.

    I don’t want to write about the other horrible things he did but my point is someone being able to function at an exceptional level in society doesn’t mean shit in regards to life decisions, ethics, racist or psychopath tendencies and the chance of being a good person.

    I’m no academic (only Hochschulreife) and I just can’t understand that these academics are so dimwitted they want to try the whole thing again in the midst of a time already characterized by multiple crisises at a global level. Just because they think this time they’ll come out on top and only the plebs will die. See you in Nuremberg Dr. Alice Weidel.

  • KDE offers a better user experience than MacOS or Windows (haven’t used 11 though). It really took off in the last years.

    By default it’s similar to Windows but you can completely customize the look and feel without touching a terminal/console. It has inbuilt stores with user contributed themes, icons, backgrounds, widgets and extensions. Some of those can make KDE really shiny.

    Then you can completley change the layout of the Desktop. Add panels (alias taskbars), add different buttons and functions to the panels change their positions. The widgets KDE comes with are very nice too. Especially the hardware monitor ones. I use HW-mon widgets for temperatures, diskspace, ram, network-activity e.g.

    You can add as much virtual desktops as you want. You can activate desktop animations for things like switching between virtual desktops or window overviews. With an extension like Krohnkite you can automatically arrange your windows. You can change most keyboard combos for the various functions of the desktop.

    KDE is based on the superior Qt programming framework and is therefore pretty optimized and most of the apps are pretty consistent in their design language unless they’re written for the concurrent desktop environment Gnome whose apps can also be run under KDE.

    Alt+F2 opens a KRunner overlay which is KDEs universal search for applications documents, web, even open tabs in browsers. You could also open the Kickstarter (Startmenu) via the Windows-key and enter the application name right away.

    Browsernames are the same. Just search them via KRunner. The best way to install software for newbies is a package manager which is included on user-friendly distros like Fedora, Mint, OpenSUSE, Kububtu. You open the package-manager/appstore search for the application you want to install and click install. Huge Advantage: With every OS-Update all the software you installed via a package manager gets automatically updated along with the OS packages.

    Generally if you come from Windows use KDE. There other desktop environments like Cinnamon or Mate similar to Windows but none come close to KDE. If you feel adventureous and want to learn a completely new desktop workflow use Gnome.

    The first and most important choice is to choose a good Distribution. I’m using EndeavourOS and Arch. They are extremely good distros but maybe not the best for beginners (although Endeavour is not too bad with onboarding).

    Fedora or OpenSUSE could ease the learning curve.

  • I read that the, to be allowed, 25 starts of the starship rocket will blast the equivalent GHGs of 975000 airliner flights or about the yearly output of 280000 homes, into earths atmosphere. So at first SpaceX is a threat to us.

    I downvoted myself. The claim was that one start and reentry of the Starship would emit 97000 tons of GHGs into earths atmosphere.

    Another redditor fact-checked it and it seems to be only about 3300 tons per flight so it’s 30 times less.

    100 starts of the Spaceship would amount to 0.3% of the total emissions of all airplanes in a year.

    I usually fact check posts with numbers in it and I feel bad for letting my guards down this time and spreading misinformation. Won’t happen again.

  • He signed a law against very specific animal torture of pets (don’t look it up) in his first term. He also signed a very specific law for increasing the speed of pig slaughter lines IIRC. So no. Livestock animals will be even more fucked (if that’s even possible in the US) as he is in the hands of big animal ag. He loves his farmers in Iowa as he said recently. Now is the best time to look up how to go vegan. Or the worst considering the drop in availability of alternative meat products that’s about to come. Remember if you don’t pay for it animal ag has to consider their practices. A big producer of meat products in Germany (Rügenwalder)has a lot of its productline switched to plant based in the last years because of the demand.