I mean I spent a total of 5 minutes on the “Netflix” games
Playing the puzzle game with my mom was pretty fun I guess. For as long as the novelty lasted
So yeah I guess their salaries for 2 years paid for that lmao
I mean I spent a total of 5 minutes on the “Netflix” games
Playing the puzzle game with my mom was pretty fun I guess. For as long as the novelty lasted
So yeah I guess their salaries for 2 years paid for that lmao
I mean…
Aren’t there rules for the fighting tho? Like you gotta drop gloves sticks and helmets.
And then don’t both guys fighting ( in this hypothetical scenario) get the penalty?
Idunno man it seems downright civilized if you ask me.
Fwiw, I’ve literally never played hockey in my life. And the last “fight” I got in was a playground scuffle back in fight grade.
Edit: I meant fifth but it’s funnier as fight grade
Yeah I mean I’ve had minor edits reversed because I didn’t source the fact properly
And that was like 10 years ago I’m surprised these edits are getting through in the first place
Great story. I try not to apply human emotions to animals, but damn looks like bears at least are perfectly capable of holding on to a grudge.
Good for the mama bear
Madison ivy
True legend
I mean, it doesn’t HAVE to be bad right?
But yeah, I get where you’re coming from
I think if you own that you’re still able to download them afterwards