Dishonored! Playing the whole series over again.
Dishonored! Playing the whole series over again.
Oh pretty please indulge us with your tall tales of all the violence you’ve seen from the left since Nov of 2023.
If you liked Left 4 Dead but were let down by Back 4 Blood this is scratches that itch pretty well. The combat is more melee focus than L4D but it feels really good once you get the attack, dodge, block and shove mechanics down.
Sepsis is no joke!
Story time: Awhile back my youngest daughter (7 at the time) got pneumonia and it landed her in the hospital. Unfortunately the bacteria causing the pneumonia got into her blood, which is what sepsis is, an infection in the blood. Another unfortunate occurrence was that the doctor’s did not know what was happening, so her sepsis went untreated and she went into septic shock.
Septic shock is when your body basically says “we’re really fucking sick so we’re taking all the blood out of our limbs (lowering blood pressure dramatically), to help protect the vital organs, so we have some chance at surviving this”. So it goes without saying that septic shock is not a very good sign, and intense critical care is required to survive it.
Once the doctors figured out what was actually happening they had us flown to the PICU at the children’s hospital in the city.
When we arrived at the new PICU they immediately put her in a medically induced coma, then it was pure madness for the next 48 hours. Literally round the clock care. So many doctors, nurses, specialist coming in and out at all hours of the day and night.
The doctors recommended we sign a DNR because it got that close at times. We signed it because we couldn’t bare the thought of her last moments being horribly painful when she had been through so much already. Plus if she did survive the cardiac arrest it would likely just repeat itself because she still has a ranging infection killing her. Those were some really scary days. I’m not a religious man but I can certainly see how religion would be comforting to folks in those moments.
Two weeks later my daughter was brought out of her medically induced coma. She had survived septic shock, was no longer septic, but she still had pneumonia and was requiring a ventilator to breathe. The entire stay took 4 months between the PICU and the Rehabilitation Hospital.
Unfortunately the tissue damage to her hands and feet, due to her body pulling the blood into her torso, was so significant she ended up having both feet and her right hand amputated. She lost the very tips of her thumb, pointer finger, and middle finger on her left hand, other than missing those fingertips the left hand was fine, thank goodness for that.
So yeah. Sepsis is no joke. See a doctor if you are feeling really sick or if you are sick for more than a few days. Take all of the antibiotics they give you, and monitor your vitals (temps, respiratory rate, heart rate, oxygen saturation, blood pressure) as best you can with what you have available at home. If something isn’t right call your doctor or go to the ER.
Wow I hadn’t heard about that.
Or instead of saving the world you and your group fail, your group is now considered terrorists, and the knee jerk reaction of those in power removes more of the people’s freedoms and oppresses them more, all in an effort to ensure that little uprising doesn’t happen again.
I agree something needs to be done, but it’ll have to be done with elections and legislation that protects that progress from being dismantled by the next party that might not agree with that change.
Sustainable change is a slow process. Sometimes that process is so slow you might not see the results in your lifetime.
Because most of us are relatively comfy and we’re so focused on surviving the day, week, or month (if you’re really lucky), that we don’t have time to even consider the effort needed to organize and focus on overthrowing those in power. The system working as designed.
I’m sure it’s little of column A and a little of column 01000010
Only if you upgrade to the Excelsior package
This machine pulls in 36,000 tons of carbon per year, our average carbon output is about 36 billion tons per year, so you’d need to build a million of these to offset our current output.
Reversing the last century of emissions is interesting because we would likely have to carefully monitor and adjust how much we pull in as we go along because any dramatic changes could have serious climate consequences.