Trust us, we know. The educated ones, at least.
Trust us, we know. The educated ones, at least.
It would be hilarious if it weren’t for the 75m Americans being sacrificed because of these idiots. If it just affected morons who FAFO, it would be a bit more lighthearted.
All the terrible shit I was predicting would happen when I knew he was going to run again has come to pass. Worse than my predictions, actually. But this was one of the ones I feared. :/
The nappies, lmao. They’re really throwing everything in there. Still not sure why it’s so expensive, though. They could have done the whole thing for $80k and still had a fat cut.
My only wish is that we had all done this sooner. We could have given Ukraine the tools it needed two years ago. Hundreds, maybe even a thousand tanks, APCs, AA, artillery vehicles. As many fighter jets as we could rearm and train people on. Cruise missiles to penetrate and take down Russian supply lines. We waited too long, until Ukrainians got their armies ground down and America turned isolationist again.
It’s not too late, but we really shouldn’t have waited and drip fed our allies. :/
Not too much can be done, since a ton of the country sat with their thumbs up their asses instead of voting. Republicans control all three branches of government now.
In two years, after permanent damage has been done to the government, the climate, and the economy, we may have another shot at at least slowing things down via Congress IF people actually vote for sane people.
And in four, potentially a new presidency and Congress. But that could be dicy, since there’s going to be little stopping corrupt officials from screwing with democratic safeguards now that the government is teeming with freaks and degenerates under its skin.
Aside from lawsuits from Democrats, I think the federal government is going to be in complete freefall for the next two years, bare minimum. Thanks fascists and nonvoters. You really fucked the entire world this time. Fucking malicious idiots.
I hope Ukraine keeps its mineral rights, and we all fund their war. We should be thanking them for kicking Russia in the cunt, not taking away their resources while they fight a war for the EU and NA.
All this you feel? It reeks of the stuff leading up to WW1. Just waiting on the Zimmerman telegram now.
We’re going to backslide to the prewar days where violence was the only way to amass power, before the days of the UN, USAID, NATO, and the rest.
And that isolationist shit is consistent with America pre WW1 and the interwar period before WW2.
I also said half life. Doom was a leap forward, but Half life actually set a technological and story telling bar, on a budget, in 1998. Many videogames drew inspiration from its innovations, storytelling or themes.
This looks like it has nothing to do with sexual orientation at all. She got turned down because she lacked the skills for the job she wanted. Then was demoted because she couldn’t do her current job with effective leadership skills.
At the end of the day, the only thing that really matters is that the person has the skills (or the capability to learn the skills). Sexual orientation has no bearing on leadership capability, lol.
Iirc, there was supposed to be a fight scene, but Ford was suffering from terrible diarrhea on set, so they came up with this to keep it short, lol.
Idaho is always on the wrong side of history, but fuck the Dakotas.
Also, what the fuck is wrong with Michigan these days? Voting for Trump and now this?
This one will keep you up at night, it was SO fucking interesting. It’s basically a story about a crime fighter who goes in and solves really complex crimes…but all the crimes are weird diseases, like strange brain swelling diseases that are gonna kill a ton of people in the US, and the detective has to figure it out before a bunch of people die.
We have the technology to solve insane cases, but we are completely hamstrung by mentally deficient politicians like our current idiot and his party. And how we still prevailed despite their obstructions.
Chicken of the cave!
This is why we had programs like USAID. To keep people from starving and eating infected animals harboring endemic viruses we know nothing about.
Even in the US, it’s highly inadvisable to eat animals/bush meat infected with CWD even if it technically can’t infect humans …yet.
The president said he was going to fix this! /S
There was a less than flattering YouTube video comparing the two. Valve put a ton of engineering behind the game that was apparently quite difficult to emulate. The results appeared half-baked when compared side by side.
I would love a l4d3 though!
Coming out took awhile for me. I was confused why I always had loved women, but was also starting to realize that I also had feelings for men or other genders. Nobody really explained sexuality that much in health class (Just stuff about ovaries and HIV), and any books on sex that I had as a kid had minimal detail about gay people or bisexual people, just that they existed. It took awhile to understand.
I kinda hope that children these days have a much more holistic class on all this stuff, as it really would have been a huge burden off my shoulders and soul.
My favorite is P. Barnes explaining to a sovcit how he isn’t getting into the courtroom, and the sovcit just won’t take no for an answer and ends up getting himself arrested…again.