I can’t understand why every other fediverse name is so stupid as to be off putting to the average user.
I can’t understand why every other fediverse name is so stupid as to be off putting to the average user.
Where was Gondor when the Westwood fell?
Remember when everyone boycotted apple because of the horrendous conditions at Foxconn? Or people boycotting Lithium batteries because of slave like conditions in African mines? Remember?! Oh wait. No one gave a shit as long as they got their consumer products.
Note: This is NOT whataboutism. This is just a reminder that consumers only care if it doesn’t seriously inconvenience them. Otherwise they always turn a blind eye.
Most “sanctuaries” are more petting zoos than true sanctuaries.
The real sanctuaries have very strict rules about human/elephant interactions and do not have guests “bathing” elephants or even feeding elephants. Elephants are entirely capable of showering themselves. Forcing them to lie down and roll over to accommodate tourists showering them 3x a day is not part of their natural behavior.
Allowing them a comfortable and safe space to retire where they can be their natural selves is the goal of a real sanctuary. The rest of the places are petting zoos for the owners to enrich themselves under the guise of “altruistic elephant care”
Is this a reference to the gods must be crazy?
Lets not confuse intelligence that something major is going to happen with actionable intelligence where you can preemptively take action to prevent an attack.
Prior to 9-11 there was most definitely increased chatter and I’d hazard a guess that many security and intelligence agencies knew something was going down on US soils but didn’t have actionable specifics that would have allowed them to take appropriate action and prevent 9-11.
I think it was a similar issue with Israel and they must have believed that the worse case was an isolated terrorist bombing and to prepare a typical lockdown and emergency services response and not a massive raid on their territories.
Maybe re-read my comment. I’m in support of regulating both advertising and nutritional content of formula milk because too much BS has been peddled to mothers, especially in developing nations where the quality of formula milk is subpar compared to breast milk or even formula milk found in more developed countries.
Wouldn’t it be nice if the world was Cadbury?
I foresee the only chance steam has of not being immediately enshittified would be for it to be a 100% employee owned company and to stay the f away from ever being listed anywhere.
Why not both?
Regulate infant and toddler formula to ensure that it’s actually balanced and nutritious. Regulate advertising so that parents don’t feel like shit cause they’re not giving their kids unnecessary foods.
Let formula milk be for kids who are genuinely nutrient deficient.
Like a high res Sims character
Russian Shill.
Genophage the damn things already.
Absolutely social media is the problem.
The echo chambers, the propagation of facist ideology, the state sponsored misinformation campaigns, the anti-intellectualism, all made possible by social media. No where else could these banes on modern democracy and society have been so easily bred but on social media.
VR doesn’t belong everywhere. There are good games for it but it needs to be purpose built and planned for. Not just a port of an existing game.
This is absolutely it. The C-suite and senior management are made up of sharp people. They absolutely know this will trigger an exodus and a large bag of fire-able workers. They don’t care that they’re likely to lose a bunch of talented, hardworking staff. Its all been accounted for. At worst the results of a mass exodus will only impact their bottom line in a few years. They just need this years numbers to look good and line to go up.
Build the economy and fund education and social programs. Fight corruption hard.
Its not glamorous or exciting but its what works in the long run.
Why do people turn to crime? Maybe a few idolize Pablo Escobar and the like, but the vast majority are trying to get by, feed their families and bring their kids through school. If legal work has you slaving away for a pittance that won’t even feed your family and corrupt governments take away money meant for the betterment of the community you start to see why some people stop caring or see illicit means as their only way out of poverty.
Education. An educated populace means a skilled workforce, which leads to better paying jobs and a chance out of poverty. I don’t think the choice between a good paying job in an international pharmaceutical company and a dangerous drug lab is a difficult one when you have legitimate options on the table.
Don’t try to romance Ciri.
Lemmy is a stupid god awful name.
The first result you get on google is a dead singer. Every other search you will have him on the front page instead of what you’re trying to find. Contrast this to searching for something from reddit.
Case in point guitar reviews lemmy vs guitar reviews reddit