The burden of proof is on the prosecution in America.
The burden of proof is on the prosecution in America.
The complete thought policing of the internet is starting. All free speech absolutists are coming for free thought.
And don’t care.
Thanks, we know the rest of the modern world has it better in literally every way literally everywhere else. Can someone just like invade and save us please?
This was on the docket to be voted on in 2023 (i think, could have been 2022) and it never made it to the floor. Why? His cronies. They just let it fall by the side, probably so they could do it now. I’m so sick and tired of this shit show if a govt. Failed fucking state.
Remember kids, it’s not immoral to punch a nazi.
Cause fuck him, that’s why.
Pharmaceuticals are an important component of modern life. We really need them now more than ever. They are a good thing.
Their capitalist greed and the big money that runs them is also doing all it can to suck every last cent out of the public.
Unfortunately both things can be true.
This is comprehensive, and impressive. Good job. Saving this post for my next purchase.
well it’s gonna use you soon.
I’ve never wanted to post signs in my yard or put stickers on my bumpers because I didn’t want PEOPLE judging me. And people are judgmental. Now I’m glad I had that opinion because we have to worry about computers logging us so we can be judged in the future for whatever weird reason someone comes up with?
What happened to freedoms in America? It’s easy for a government to strip them after the people stop believing in them being important. Corporations are making free thought and self expression unimportant and dangerous and the gov’t will have no choice but to curb our freedoms in response. And we will cheer it on. I hate this shit.
Yeah I mean maybe he missed the sarcasm tag? Either way, we all know the system isn’t fair…except for maybe that first poster about probing innocence.