Big Pimping Big Rofling.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Given a chance at a good life they would gladly stay where their family, friends and culture are rooted.

    THIS! 100%!

    So many people have such a huge superiority complex, it is unbelievable.

    Nu-uh! They will come either way because they want to be here and steal our lives! They don’t care about their land, families, culture, and friends. No, they already know we are the best in everything, so they come here!

    Even the theory that immigrants act as some form of hivemind, where every one of them has the exact same reasons to come here, is beyond stupid; it is just vile and dehumanizing!

    That some people would gladly go home instead of staying here, where so many “natives” are full of themselves and racism is spreading like the plague it is, is something they can’t even begin to grasp.

  • I think we’re talking past each other.

    My Argument is basically if I could I would block Instagram and TikTok for everyone under 16. If that’s not possible then block rather everything then nothing. But I also think it’s neither wise nor possible to keep children away from social media. You can limit their exposure yes, but because of their friends, their school or even a relative they will access social media before the set age. Use this time of limited exposure to prepare them as good as you can. Otherwise they will still access social media and will be even more vulnerable to scams, algorithms and fake news.

  • but for every person who’s somewhat qualified to explain that, there will be dozens who aren’t

    That’s sadly 100% true. I’m not against all corporate social media, at least not for now. For example, YouTube is my main source of entertainment, but I use NewPipe to avoid ads and algorithms. And I will try to teach my kids to do the same. My main concern is TikTok and Instagram.

    That said, I’d rather see all corporate social media banned for children than continue as things are now. I would then tailor a solution for my kids that I see fit.