Might actually use chat GPT for the first time to spam them that way
Might actually use chat GPT for the first time to spam them that way
You’re heaping a lot of guilt on the shoulders of those that don’t really have a choice.
as if they were some innocent bystanders sucked into an evil black hole of traffic…
That’s honestly how it is in the states. You go where your job tells you to. Even jobs that could be remote (as proven by the pandemic) are making employees return to work.
I don’t need your scorn; the people making me commute should be your target. I’m just trying to pay my bills.
The OG Dark Alliance was my jam back when it first released. Sunk so many hours into it and its sequel (with Dritz). I can hear the song from the tavern in my head as I type. Now I’ve gotta see if I can emulate it somehow.
I’ve had a chuckle about Canada being the 51st state before, but this is just ridiculous
From my understanding they don’t need to be FDA approved. At that point blame the store, not the FDA. I’m just glad they’re getting this done before they’re purged by the next administration
I’ve had that warning for the last week. I thought a huge fire had sprung up while I wasn’t looking 🫠
Edit; it’s the Santa Ana winds, we get them every year. Not to say this time isn’t worse, but I’ve grown up with them and wildfires. We’re getting gusts of over 20mph in my area.
I always assumed you could vote at an embassy; TIL
The fact it happened so close together leads me to believe this was something discussed on group chats. I’m hoping that makes it easier to apprehend the perpetrators and also their accomplices. The wheels of justice move so slow, so all the more reason your vote is counted
We also have the top two ports in the US. And if we took the PNW with us nearly all trade from Asia would pass through this theoretical new country before reaching the US.
Edit; also there’s a lot of division between the urban and rural areas of all west coast states. It’s fun to think about, but I don’t see it happening without a major conflict