These are not 20 year old phones. There’s a reason these transitions are made gradually.
These are not 20 year old phones. There’s a reason these transitions are made gradually.
Except they weren’t non-compliant before and this is punishing the users, not the manufacturers. I don’t even know what tech my phone uses for emergency services.
So to let people know that they won’t have emergency service during an emergency, they prevent them from having ANY service now (24-hour notice). Even if telecom companies behaved perfectly (which they wouldn’t) the initial idea was already a problem.
True, it’s just an example to always look at the output. I’ve definitely used that in Fedora to reinstall packages when something stopped working after an upgrade.
(Maybe this doesn’t happen by itself in Debian but I wouldn’t trust Ubuntu for example)
Apparently apt has a stroke sometimes. I don’t think I’ve had an update fuck up this bad but it’s better to read the output so you know what changed in case something stops working.
I’d like to one day have the confidence to do upgrade -y
Guess what this post is
A speaker too. So you can mess with your pets while away or spy on your spouse. What an amazing product idea /s
Technically alt + shift changes between languages and ctrl + shift changes between layouts within the current language. Win + spacebar circles through all of them. So if you want to change from qwerty to dvorak I don’t think alt + shift will work, at least in windows 10.
I set one up recently and it also asked for a phone number. Maybe there is a way to bypass that step but I couldn’t find it