• 10 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • I don’t think so. If you were on the other side politically you would probably prefer that they no longer exist at all. If they were smart over there they would change things so that they were perceived to be right in the middle between what they currently are and Fox. That’s a big sweet spot that is just waiting for someone to move into. I still remember the early days when Liberals, Conservatives, and middle of the road people watched MSNBC and no one felt that they were slanted one way or the other politically

  • I don’t have “opponents”. I think for myself. Sometimes people disagree with me and present facts that prove me wrong. I don’t call them names. I say, I see your facts and I was wrong. You have created in your mind a fantasy image of me. I am not pushing any narrative. You seem to think that I am on the “team” opposed to your “team”. I’m not on any team. On social media platforms some people on the left have condemned me. Some people on the right have condemned me. I can’t think of better evidence that I think for myself and am not aligned with any political party. Previously I had given my opinion on “X” . It’s an opinion. Are we at the point of attacking others simply because we disagree with their opinions? In the big picture of life I frankly don’t give a fuck about X or any other social media platform. I’m too busy enjoying my life.