2009scape!? If it’s what I think it is that is amazing. Legend
2009scape!? If it’s what I think it is that is amazing. Legend
There was talk about creating a sovereign wealth fund using this data. I assume it is just going to line pockets of absolute scum though.
I thought this was shit canned?
It would probably require an escalation of the war, to the point where (meat) rationing came into effect. There’s probably always going to be loopholes for billionaires though.
The comments are peak internet dumpster fire 🍿
I’m tired and read this headline as humans and the Netherlands.
You are very bitter and I feel sorry for you. Your hatred of the french is precisely the kind of attitude that leads to all the things you are raging against here. I hope you get the help you need and find some more happiness.
As a human being, we could try to make progress in the world and not be divisive? The past is full of shit behaviour (understatement), we learn from it and try to not make the same mistakes again.
This is great news! Calculus is cancelled!
Schoools Out For Summer!
But I need it to cool my AI powered rule 34 service.
So many hours on unreal tournament, might get some more now.
It was a lesson on free speech. I’m certain there were plenty of talking points and examples but it really isn’t the point of this story.
Muslims will remain as part of that topic for as long as they react the way they do about drawings of their imaginary friend, or anything else they try to impose onto everyone else.
I object more to the recirculation of other people’s piss water over my hands.
Took me awhile to adjust as I was used to the .cum UI, but it really is great.
Oh no! Won’t someone please think of the investors?
If you haven’t got money for improvements, stop diverting the money you did have into your own pockets. 17 billion in debt?! Fuck you.