Thank you for typing this. I agree entirely and had the exact same reaction. I’m not opposed to complexity, but make it a wee bit more accessible.
“All we need to do is make sure we keep talking.” -Hawking
Humanist, interested in helping and learning.
Thank you for typing this. I agree entirely and had the exact same reaction. I’m not opposed to complexity, but make it a wee bit more accessible.
Honestly, it’s like Stardew Valley. It’s so good, I’ll get a version for my toaster if they release one.
Damn, fr? /hug homey. I sincerely hope you get better, anyway possible.
The night winds! Death from above!
No worries dawg, thanks for keeping us on track. Your diligence is appreciated. I do feel a little like JD from Scrubs on a real emotional roller coaster.
Followed immediately by the world’s first execution over counterfeit entrance tickets. $60 bucks is $60 bucks.
No friend, no, I’m sorry, but the whole world just wouldn’t work if that were actually the case. Humanity is inherently altruistic. The issue is that people struggle to be that and survive. We just have to ramp down the me:first and push more for society. EU is starting to make those in-roads, so stay positive!
My interest is piqued, but it doesn’t have a native usb-c? Only old usb-a? Am I reading that right? The c is a part of one of the attachments? Don’t love that.