Why is it that every man with shit loads of money derails sooner or later? Do they need to be told “no” more often?
Musk = Dumbass
Why is it that every man with shit loads of money derails sooner or later? Do they need to be told “no” more often?
Musk = Dumbass
Too late, we already know they are war criminals.
Jeez another X something baby of Musk 🤮
Thank you for your sacrifice. It will not be forgotten.
It just a slow and energy hungry way of keeping records. It is indeed not the silver bullet some people make it.
Not with HTS (they have connections to IS), my comments was more along the line of “why did we think this was a safe country even before we knew HTS would take over”.
This answers a question I did not ask. I never even suggested HTS to be a force of good.
But thanks for your contribution 😉
This is what the US voted for all those years. Kill Obama care, make the divide between rich and poor bigger and bigger.
You voted orange man, you get orange man.
I feel ashamed that the right wing government of the Netherlands was discussing to declare Syria a safe country not one month ago. This would prevent Syrian people to get asylum here in NL.
Look at the devastating proof.
I do hope so but HTS has some concerning links to IS.
Had a bit of an Elmer Fudd flashback 😂
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
Amazing way to approach it!
Just a wee bit afraid there would be just porn left after applying the “subscribe to me” rule 😉
I was an avid nginx user but having caddy handle the ssl certificate creation and renewal is amazing.
I probably am outdated on nginx (maybe it supports it?) but caddy is what I use from here on out.
No problem my friend.
I’ve been following ironwolf for a while now. Beautiful specimen if I might add. The girl Nextdoor type of vibe. Not fake.
I would love to get my hands on you, and my mouth
Well you can start by getting your hands on your mouth…
Out with Hungary I say.