This is a fantastic opportunity to allow parents to explain financial insolvency to their autistic child grieving the loss of their robot companion.
This is a fantastic opportunity to allow parents to explain financial insolvency to their autistic child grieving the loss of their robot companion.
Nobody said Firewatch yet?
I’ll also add To The Moon as well. I could list more, but almost any game where narrative is the main focus and gameplay is secondary.
Yes, it absolutely will. That’s why I fragrance the pandas. Just a little here and there so that some Howard will need to sort through it. The lime really comes through clearly.
Not to mention the weight. Those premium vehicles with long range stats are very heavy. That’s what makes them so terrifying to me.
I have to do similar things when it comes to ‘raytracing’. It meant one thing, and then a company comes along and calls something sorta similar the same thing, then everyone has these ideas of what it should be vs. what it actually is doing. Then later, a better version comes out that nearly matches the original term, but there’s already a negative hype because it launched half baked and misnamed. Now they have to name the original thing something new new to market it because they destroyed the original name with a bad label and half baked product.
That or build something that can stand up to being hit. Tall order, but the inner armchair engineer in me thinks it’s like, totally possible.
Tastes better. Probiotic, so can be healthier. Risk is very low of contamination, low enough that the mandate for pasteurized milk was kinda overblown, but technically safer.
I find the posturing the funniest. Conservatives trying to act tough by drinking raw milk is hilariously tame. It’s like being proud of not wearing sun screen when mowing the lawn. Like, that’s arguably fine either way, but sunscreen is a little safer but…why would you brag about that?