The United States expects Russia, Iran, and China to continue their attempts to influence the November 5 elections by using artificial intelligence to disseminate fake information, according to a report released on October 2 by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
The department considers the three countries the most pressing foreign threats to U.S. critical infrastructure and expects them to remain so.
Israel is conspicuously absent from that list, and they absolutely do try to influence our elections (see: AIPAC)
Does Israel even need to interfere? I’m not American but it seems like both parties are already ride or die for Israel.
It’s all part of the money laundering scam. The US gives Israel your tax dollars they return it via lobbying, campaign contributions and buying weapons. So instead of your taxes going towards fixing infrastructure and building a better society for all Americans, it merely inflates the coffers of sleazy politicians and enriches the the military industrial complex and its investors.
Seems to me that the biggest threat is corporate money and influence.
Ok… Now who are the biggest victims of election interference by USA?
Pretty much everywhere else in the world
Iran suddenly added to the list huh? Wonder why…