Are major record labels furries?
i read the whole article and still have no idea what this has to do with furries.
621 is more or less the site they go to for seeing the illustrations of dog dicks that they’re so fond of.
Right-wingers as usual wanting to eradicate the past so that they can claim dumb shit like “there were no concentration camps”. And yet they call themselves “conservatives”. What a joke.
Ain’t nothin’ less conservative than a Conservative
the internet was awesome for like … twenty years. thirty if you count the era where people mostly communicated through newsgroups and such. it feels like the enshittification was so sudden…
It’s not an internet thing, or even a technology thing. This is an example of the general debasement of society wrought through half a century of rampant sociopathic neoliberal shitfuckery.
One place I’d like to see this start to be corrected, is treating what is currently understood to be intellectual property as the intrinsically abundant resource it is, instead of the artificially scarce, zero-sum concept it’s currently encrusted as.
It’s been going to shit since like, 2015? I think that’s about when ad blockers became a necessity to just read any website on the internet. Maybe a few years before that.
- Maybe 2009~2009. Mobile devices lowering the bar for entry has been apocalyptic.