Edit: Added Summary as requested.
Author: Steve Boots
Length: 49:51
- The Worst QP Ever
- BC’s Heartless Policy
- Alberta’s Oil Bailout
- Favourite Moment
- BC United’s Hilarious Failure
- We Need To Help Refugees
- Casual Cruelty
- Less Than A Million
This week, The British Columbia government is criticized for implementing a new, harsh addictions policy, while the Alberta Government continues to use public funds to support the oil industry. Additionally, political figures have taken increasingly anti-immigrant stances targeting specific groups. Meanwhile, Canada’s Premier has displayed casual cruelty in politics, and the National Broadcast Corporation (NBC) United has been a significant embarrassment in political history.
Is there a reason this is being down voted so much? I’ve only watched the first few minutes and I was actually surprised I hadn’t come across this channel before.
I downvoted because it’s a collection of multiple topics, which I don’t think is really good for lemmy style discussion. 1 post 1 topic.
Well lhe does break them up into separate smaller videos which i could post each separately, but i feel that would pollute lemmy more then one single post. What do you think?
One of the reasons I posted this was to share his channel with other who may not of known about it.
Well thanks for that - it’s solid discussion!
If you read the description, you can assume that the video is garbage.
Provinces in Canada have premiers, the Country has a Prime Minister.
Also, what casual cruelty specifically?
NBC is from the USA, I assume they mean the CBC? But “CBC united” isn’t a thing, so maybe they mean the political party “BC United”?